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Can Violent Or Scary Video Games Cause Heart Attacks?

Can Violent Or Scary Video Games Cause Heart Attacks?

Video games are a great way to relax, unwind, have fun, and escape the pressures of our fast-paced society. But there are a few that contain violence and horror, which some studies have shown to be detrimental to young people’s mental and physical health. These games are often rated M (Mature) and are not intended for minors. These games can be very stressful and even scary to play. This stress and fear can eventually lead to health problems like increased anxiety, insomnia, loss of consciousness, and even heart attacks.

What Impact do Games Have on The Heart?

A game can put stress on the heart by increasing the levels of adrenaline which causes increased heartbeat speed, increased blood pressure, and increased oxygen demand in the body. Games that have instances of violent actions have been shown to increase heart rates and blood pressure levels by up to 30 percent. Even non-violent games that require a player to perform something stressful like speed and accuracy shooting can lead to increased blood pressure levels.

Fright and strong emotional involvement have been proven to lead to heart attacks. This is because fear and other strong emotions trigger the brain’s fear center, which may cause heart inflammation, eventually leading to aneurysms, heart attacks, or even death. This condition is called situational anxiety, which occurs when an otherwise healthy person becomes extremely anxious in specific situations. There are many situations that can cause this, such as jobs, exams, and even when playing fast-paced, violent video games.

How Often do Emergencies Happen?

You might ask yourself, how often do incidences of heart attacks occur among gamers? These incidents are not very common, but they do occur. A study proved that multiplayer war games are gamers’ most common cause of heart attacks. This is because of the high-stress level associated with these games.

A game can put stress on the heart by increasing the levels of adrenaline which causes increased heartbeat speed, increased blood pressure, and increased oxygen demand in the body.

How to Identify a Heart Attack

An easy way to tell if someone has a heart attack is by looking for heart attack symptoms. The symptoms include the following.

1. Chest Discomfort

One of the clearest signs that you may be experiencing a heart attack is discomfort in the chest or pressure at the center of the chest. The pain is most felt on the left or right side of the chest. The pain may leave after a while and return later, which is why you should visit a doctor immediately in case of any discomfort in your chest area. The discomfort may be accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, and sweating.

2. Shortness of Breath

Another very common symptom associated with heart attacks is shortness of breath. If a person is experiencing this, they should seek immediate medical attention. This may be caused by the lungs blocking or fluid build-up, which would increase the difficulty in breathing and lead to an increased risk of suffocation.

3. Discomfort in Areas of The Upper Body

One of the most evident symptoms that you may be experiencing in a heart attack is discomfort in the upper body. This includes;

  • Back,
  • Neck
  • Arms

If you experience this, you should immediately call a doctor or visit a hospital.

4. Feeling Light-Headed and Weak

Not among the more prominent symptoms, you may experience during a heart attack but feeling light-headed and weak is among the symptoms one should look out for. This may include a loss of consciousness or fainting, so it is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience this symptom. With all the common symptoms that will help you identify a heart attack, the next big question is, who is at the highest risk of experiencing a heart attack?

  •  People living with high blood pressure

People with high blood pressure are at an increased risk of experiencing heart attacks and heart-related problems. This is because the blood vessels leading to the heart become damaged, which causes clots that eventually block the blood flow to the heart leading to heart issues and sometimes even stroke.

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  • People with high cholesterol levels

People with high cholesterol levels are also at an increased risk of experiencing a heart attack and heart-related problems. This is because cholesterol blocks the blood vessels that transport blood, leading to blockages that eventually block the blood supply to the heart, which causes heart-related issues like cardiac arrest.

  • People with diabetes

Diabetes, often classified as a lifestyle disease, can also lead to heart attacks and heart-related issues. This is because high blood sugar can destroy nerves and vessels that supply blood to the heart leading to heart-related problems such as hypertension and arterial sclerosis.

  • Seniors citizens

Seniors are at a very high risk of suffering from heart-related ailments. This is because the older the body becomes, the less efficiently the heart works. This is because the heart accumulates fatigue as it ages.

Not among the more prominent symptoms, you may experience during a heart attack but feeling light-headed and weak is among the symptoms one should look out for.

  • People with BMI above 30

People with a BMI above 30 are at a higher risk of heart-related ailments. This is because obesity is often associated with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which lead to heart problems. The leading cause of heart attacks among gamers is the high-stress level experienced while playing games. This high-stress level is associated with fear which causes an increase in adrenaline levels, leading to increased heart rates. We must increase our awareness of the symptoms associated with heart attacks. A person experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately, as a delayed reaction may lead to death or permanent disability.