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8 Most Memorable Moments In Video Games

8 Most Memorable Moments In Video Games

8 Most Memorable Moments In Video Games

Through many years of gaming, a catalog of memorable moments has occurred in many games, ranging in various emotions. From sad deaths and emotional losses all the way to badass heroic moments. There are many different games that contain these epic moments. Including action games, Role-playing games, and story games. Games with the best moments typically are story games where you get a better cinematic experience than something along the lines of multiplayer. Today we are going to look at four different games and take two moments from each game that are memorable. Stay tuned to see some of the Top 8 Memorable Moments in Video Games.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Call Of Duty Black Ops is a game set in 2025 where a futuristic war is taking place. A man named Raul Menendez is starting an uprising with his terrorist organization known as Cordis Die. It is up to you and the government to shut down this organization. Throughout the main story, this game contains some of the most memorable moments in video games.

Raul Menendez’s Death

Upon capturing Menendez, it is up to you whether or not you take his life or spare him. In the events that occurred slightly before capturing Menendez, you have to slide down a slop and shoot the terrorists and then capture Menendez. This is one of the most badass moments in the Call of Duty franchise.

There are many different games that contain these epic moments. Including action games, Role-playing games, and story games. Games with the best moments typically are story games where you get a better cinematic experience than something along the lines of multiplayer.

Playing as Menendez

During one of the missions in this game, you play as Menendez during a flashback scene. During this scene, the motive of the terrorist organization is revealed. Raul’s sister was killed, which is why he started the organization. After her death, you play as an enraged Raul, out for blood, as he runs through the battlefield with a machete absorbing every bullet shot at him.

Spider-Man Remastered

This game is a fest of some of the most memorable moments in video games.

There are so many jaw-dropping moments in this game it is hard to compete. In this game, we get to see Spider-Man catch a falling helicopter and take on six villains at once. So if you wish to hear of some of the greatest moments in history, stay tuned in for this!

Helicopter Catching Scene

In this part of the game, Spider-Man has to stop a helicopter from causing mass destruction in the city below. He attaches the helicopter to 2 buildings and swings straight through the city with the helicopter, barely saving everyone below. The quick-time events in this game are truly something else and definitely worth seeing.

Spider-Man Vs. 6 Villains’

After Spider-Man chases down Electro, he gets ambushed by six villains who are out to capture him. Electro, Scorpion, Mr. Negative, Vulture, and Rhino are all being led by Dr. Octopus to shut down Oscorp. Spider-Man puts up a great fight but nearing the end, Scorpion stings him, and it causes him to fall and lose the fight. This is one of the most memorable moments in video games due to the sheer stress of the fight.

Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 is a game set in the US, and a cultist organization has taken over the county. It is up to you, the deputy, to take over the county and get justice. This game has many memorable moments in it, and it is definitely worth playing if you like first-person shooters. If you want to hear some of the most memorable moments in video games, then stay tuned for Far Cry 5.

The Intro

In the Intro of this game, you manage to arrest the main antagonist of the game. His name is Joseph Seed. You get to see how much he influences and manipulates his followers for his own self-gain. When you arrest him, the helicopter is shot down while he is singing. This is an extremely memorable moment in the game as you get to understand the scale of Joseph’s power.

See Also

Killing Faith Seed

Killing one of Joseph’s main leaders, Faith Seed, is one of the best moments that are in this game. She drugs you, and you must fight her in a place known as Bliss. Once you kill her, she goes off into Bliss. This is memorable due to the emotion as you discover why Faith works for Joseph. She was drugged and forced by him.


GTA is one of the most popular games of all time, and it is no wonder. It is filled to the brim with content, and all of the content is enjoyable and worth the time. You play as three main characters, and yourself, and can switch between the 3 of them at any time. If you want to enjoy this game it is best to be played on a high-quality screen. Click here to speak to a professional.

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Trevor Finds Out

Trevor is under the assumption that Michael is dead and buried. But when he figures out it is his other friend, Brad, that is buried instead of Michael, he becomes furious. This moment is packed full of stress and is easily one of the most memorable moments in video games’ history.

GTA is one of the most popular games of all time, and it is no wonder. It is filled to the brim with content, and all of the content is enjoyable and worth the time.

Killing Michael

As you play as Franklin, the man that Michael had trained to be a high-tier robber, it is heart-destroying killing your own mentor and it brings out a lot of emotion. So you can imagine the stress if you are watching the 2 best characters in the game have conflict.

To conclude

These are some of the most memorable moments in video games. Thank you for reading this article and if you would like to see more articles by us regarding video games and great moments from them. Keep an eye out for more articles by checking frequently as you never know when we may release another. Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoyed reading this.