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Top 6 Career Opportunities for British Gamers

Top 6 Career Opportunities for British Gamers

Top 6 Career Opportunities for British Gamers

Do you have a passion for gaming? You can turn your hobby into a great career that pays you handsomely. Stats indicate that the global gaming sector was over $152.1 billion in 2019. In the UK, figures released by Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA) show that the country is the largest producer of video games.

The above trends and stats indicate the field is massive, and one can easily carve a career out of it. The best way to benefit from the industry is to understand what it offers in terms of career. Keep reading to discover the various fantastic career opportunities that are in the industry. Professional video gamers can attract massive visitors to the site and end up making enormous amounts of money, so create your gaming logo and branding, and start steaming away.

british games

Twitch Streaming

Twitch is a site that lets a gamer live stream themselves when playing a specific video game. Players in action attract many visitors who enjoy watching how the former display their talents. Professional video gamers can attract massive visitors to the site and end up making enormous amounts of money.

When displaying their skills on the site, gamers can either use a console or a computer. One of the best 3rd party tools for Twitch and Kick is Blerp sound alerts. It lets your viewers share sound memes on streams with bits and channel points. They can offer themselves a view and audio commentary as well.

Gamstop & Gamban Development

Gamstop is a free self-exclusion program managed for British gamblers. But it’s not ideal! There are many flaws in this system so it requires many improvements. Gamstop UK is currently looking for developers who will work on the network to spread it on offshore gambling sites so Brits won’t have access to English online casinos not using Gamestop ban which is a huge problem nowadays.

So what do you actually need to apply for this position? The knowledge of the online gaming industry, JavaScript and PHP languages and desire to make this world better! If you’re not so experienced, try to apply via Beanstalk HPS LTD which is developing Gamban product. It’s a gambling blocker but a lot easier.

QA Testing

There is a massive production of video games in Britain. However, before the games are released to the market, they must undergo testing to ensure that they meet various standards. A QA Tester plays the whole game and discovers any technical issues that must be resolved. If you want to get such a position you can create your cv at

Games testers are required for all games before releasing them to the market. The professionals can either work from home or on-site, where the production takes place.

The QA testers have various traits, such as being creative, original, and being investigative.

eSports Copywriting

In case you have impeccable writing skills and understand the gaming industry well, you can find high-paying Esports copywriting opportunities in the market. Many aspects of gaming require writing. These include promotions, product descriptions, instruction manuals, and in-game text.

You can only excel in offering top-notch content in the above areas if you understand video gaming and the tactics that can be applied in video gaming promotions.

See Also

Marketing Research

Market research is a critical component of video production and promotion. Research findings help video game producers to understand their clients and what the latter require.

If you’re a gamer with marketing research skills, take lessons from Bradley Oliva and launch your career in this sector. You can research various niches of video gaming or specialize in a few. Examples of niches found in the industry include software publishing, video game accessories, PC games, Video game hardware, and others.

Producers may need research based on various aspects like consumption trends, demographic information, and others.

Slot Machines Testing

Experts in slot machine testing can get employment in regulatory bodies like the Gambling Commission or GamingLabs to test gaming machines used by various entities. In case you’re an excellent gamer, you can apply for such an opportunity.

Specific independent labs also employ slot machine testers. The labs offer testing services to the producers of slot machines. Most clients rely on such reports when making buying decisions.

You can be proficient in slot machine testing if you take specific courses. If you’ve taken such courses, you should apply for opportunities at the independent labs or regulatory commissions.