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Wuthering Waves Rover (Havoc) Finest Build and Team

Wuthering Waves Rover (Havoc) Finest Build and Team


In this blog post, we will introduce players to Rover(Havoc) ‘s related skills, as well as best build and team. A free 5 star character, which all players will unlock as you progress through the story. To enhance your gaming experience, consider recharging Lunites to unlock additional capabilities and improve your character’s performance.

As of writing, Havoc Rover has mostly been played as a main DPS who relies on Umbra State to do the bulk of their damage. The main gameplay loop is to build up Umbra, then enter a DPS phase by holding Basic Attack when Umbra Gauge is full.

Rover (Havoc)’s Skill Tree Priority

Forte Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★★☆☆  – Low Priority

Basic Attack

Rover-Havoc performs up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc DMG.

Heavy Attack

Rover-Havoc consumes Stamina to attack, dealing Havoc DMG.

Use Basic Attack after casting Heavy Attack to cast Basic Attack 4.

Mid-air Attack

Rover-Havoc consumes Stamina to cast a Mid-Air Plunging Attack, dealing Havoc DMG.

Dodge Counter

Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG.

Resonance Skill ★★★☆☆  – Low Priority

Transforms sound into feathers, dealing Havoc DMG.

Forte Circuit ★★★★★ – Highest Priority


When “Umbra” is full, hold Basic Attack to cast Devastation to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG, considered as Heavy Attack damage.

Dark Surge

After casting Devastation, Rover enters the Dark Surge state. In this state:

Basic Attack is replaced with Enhanced Basic Attack, which performs up to 5 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc DMG ;

Heavy Attack is replaced with Enhanced Heavy Attack ;

Use Basic Attack after casting Enhanced Heavy Attack to cast Heavy Attack Thwackblade to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG, considered as Heavy Attack damage;

Use Basic Attack after casting Heavy Attack Thwackblade to cast Enhanced Basic Attack 3 to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG ;

Resonance Skill Wingblade is replaced with Resonance Skill Lifetaker, transforming sounds into blades to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG.


Rover can hold up to 100 points of Umbra.

Normal Attack Tuneslayer recovers Umbra on hit.

Resonance Skill Wingblade recovers Umbra when cast.

Resonance Skill Lifetaker recovers Umbra when cast.

Intro Skill Instant of Annihilation recovers Umbra when cast.

Resonance Liberation ★★★★☆ – High Priority

Rover gathers resonating sounds to attack a target, dealing Havoc DMG.

Intro Skill ★★☆☆☆ – Lowest Priority

There is nothing special about Rover (Havoc)’s Intro Skill as it only deals Havoc DMG to a target when switching in. It is also their weakest ability. So, this ability should be the last one that you need to upgrade.

Rover (Havoc)’s Finest Echo Sets Ranked

Sonata Effect:

Sun-sinking Eclipse x5

Echo Ability:


★★★ – Best

A 5-pc Sun-sinking Eclipse is the best Havoc set for a Havoc Main-DPS like Rover-Havoc. Havoc DMG also increases after a Basic Attack or Heavy Attack which is part of their kit.

Sonata Effect:

Lingering Tunes x2

Sonata Effect:

See Also

Sun-sinking Eclipse x2

Echo Ability:


★★☆ – 2nd Best

You can also opt for a mix of Sun-sinking Eclipse and Lingering Tunes if you have better sub-stats for those pieces. This increases both Havoc DMG and ATK – great for a Havoc DPS like Rover-Havoc.

Set effect

Boss (4-Cost): CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG %

Elite (3-Cost): Havoc DMG%

Elite (3-Cost): Havoc DMG%


Common (1-Cost): ATK%

Common (1-Cost): ATK%

Sub effect: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG > ATK %

Rover (Havoc)’s All Finest Weapons

Emerald of Genesis 1st best weapon

Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When Resonance Skill is released, increases ATK by 6%, stacking up to 2 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s.

Commando of Conviction 2nd best weapon

When Intro Skill is released, increases ATK by 15%, lasting for 15s.

Lumingloss 3rd best weapon

When Resonance Skill is released, increases Basic Attack DMG and Heavy Attack DMG by 20%, stacking up to 1 time(s). This effect lasts for 10s and can be triggered 1 time(s) every 1s.

Lunar Cutter 3rd best weapon

Equipped Resonator gains 6 stack(s) of Oath upon entering the battlefield. Each stack icnreases ATK by 2%, up to 6 stacks. This effect can be triggered 1 time(s) every 12s. Oath reduces by 1 stack(s) every 2s. Equipped Resonator gains another 6 stack(s) of Oath upon defeating an enemy.

Wuthering Waves Rover (Havoc) Finest team

Rover (Havoc) Free-to-Play Team

This free-to-play team composition relies on Sanhua to provide Basic ATK Deepen for the Rover so that they can maximize their damage when Dark Surge is active.


Your third slot can be Baizhi or any other healer if you have them. To further enhance your team’s performance, Wuwa top up with Lunites can be a valuable addition.

Rover (Havoc) Premium Team

This team composition focuses on buffing the Rover’s overall damage in battle using Verina and Danjin’s buffs.


Verina will provide healing and ATK buffs to the entire party while Danjin’s Outro Skill provides a 23% Havoc DMG Deepen for 14s to the Rover. To ensure the continuous support of these buffs, Lunites recharge is advised.


This blog post offers an in-depth guide to optimizing Rover(Havoc)’s performance in Wuthering Waves. As a free-to-play 5-star character, Havoc Rover excels as a main DPS, utilizing the Umbra State for significant damage output. The skill tree priority is outlined, with Forte Circuit and Resonance Liberation receiving the highest priority for upgrades. The best Echo Sets and weapons for enhancing Havoc damage and ATK are detailed, along with strategies for selecting sub-stats. The post concludes with recommended team compositions, both free-to-play and premium, to maximize Rover(Havoc)’s effectiveness in battle.