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Where Can You Purchase A 510-Thread Battery Charger?

Where Can You Purchase A 510-Thread Battery Charger?


Having a battery that refuses to charge is one of the biggest annoyances in vaping – especially if you can’t just use a different battery because the charger is the thing that isn’t working. To make matters worse, buying a 510-thread battery charger can sometimes be problematic because some batteries have proprietary chargers, and you can’t just use generic replacements.

In other cases, though, using a generic replacement is completely fine because the battery’s charging system isn’t proprietary.

How can you tell the difference? In this article, we’ll explain it all. Here’s how to buy the right charger for your 510-thread battery.

Always Buy a 510-Threaded Battery Charger from the Battery’s Original Manufacturer

Do you have a 510-thread battery with a charger that screws directly into the battery’s threading? In this case, your device uses a proprietary charger. Although it might be possible for you to buy a generic 510-threaded charger at your local vape shop, it’s always a better idea to buy a charger directly from the battery’s original manufacturer because different vape batteries may be designed to charge at different voltages or amperages. Manufacturers like Rokin Vapes, for example, sell both 510-thread batteries and the chargers that are required for them.


The consequence of using the incorrect charger for a 510-thread battery is that an overly high charging amperage can potentially cause a lithium-ion battery to overheat. If that happens, the battery may vent hot gas or could even catch fire. So, if you do want to try charging a 510-thread battery with a generic 510-threaded charger, you need to be completely certain that the charger’s specifications are correct for your battery.

Batteries with USB Ports Usually Work with Any USB Cable

If you have a 510-thread battery that charges through a USB port, the situation isn’t quite as complicated because a battery with a USB port will generally charge with any USB cable that fits the port. When you have a vape battery that doesn’t charge, in fact, the cable is almost always the cause of the problem because USB cables often wear out extremely quickly and stop delivering power reliably.

You can extend the life of a USB charging cable if you grasp it by the connector and not the wire when you disconnect it from your computer or vape battery. Even if you do that, though, every cable is certain to stop working eventually – so before you worry too much about a 510-thread battery that isn’t charging, try simply replacing the USB cable. You can use any cable that happens to be available, but it’s important to make sure that the cable you’re using is certified for power delivery and isn’t designed only for data transfer.

See Also

If Your Vape Battery Isn’t Charging, Troubleshoot the Problem Before Replacing the Charger

Before you buy a new 510-thread charger for your vape battery, it’s important to make sure that the charger is actually the cause of your problem. Suppose your vape battery charges through a USB port, trying a different USB cable is simple enough. Proprietary battery chargers aren’t cheap, though, and you want to be as sure as you can be that buying a new one is actually going to fix your issue. Before you buy a new charger, run through these troubleshooting steps and see if your battery starts charging.

  • If your vape battery has a USB port for charging, make sure that the port is clean. A toothpick can work well for removing dust or lint from a USB port. Don’t use a metal tool because it can potentially scrape away the delicate gold plating that helps to facilitate power transfer.
  • If your vape battery charges through the 510 threading, make sure that the threading is clean. The cartridges that people typically use with 510-thread batteries are filled with very thick oil, and the oil may leak if you puff very hard or if the cartridge has an assembly issue. If the oil gets inside your vape battery’s threading, it may cause the battery to stop charging – and when you connect the battery to the charger, the oil may contaminate the charger as well. You can clean the device and charger with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. After removing the oil, use a clean cotton swab to absorb any excess alcohol. Even after drying the alcohol, you should still wait a while before trying to charge the battery again because you want to be certain that the battery and charger are completely dry.
  • Regardless of whether your vape battery charges through the threading or a USB port, you should always try more than one power source before you conclude that you have a bad charger. If you’re using a wall charger, try charging the battery with your computer. Don’t use the wall charger for a smartphone or tablet because mobile devices are designed to support higher charging currents that might cause a 510-thread battery to overheat. If you’re already trying to charge your battery with your computer, try charging it with a different computer.

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and are still unable to charge your 510-thread battery, it’s probably time to buy a new charger. Once you’ve tried charging your device with a second charger, you can determine conclusively whether the battery or the charger is the cause of the problem. If your vape battery doesn’t charge through the old charger or the new one, it’s likely that the battery has reached the end of its life and needs to be replaced.

Every lithium-ion battery stops working eventually. On average, you can recharge a battery somewhere between about 300 and 500 times before it loses the ability to hold a charge. Based on that, you can generally expect a vape battery to last around a year. It might be a frustrating experience to buy a new charger only to find that your battery is dead, but you should try to look on the bright side. The original charger will almost certainly fail in the future, and when that happens, you’ll already have a backup.