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The Most Dangerous Online Games And How They Can Affect Your Life

The Most Dangerous Online Games And How They Can Affect Your Life

More and more dangerous games are released online every year. They pose a threat to the lives of children and adults. To play safely, you can visit the website of  Red Dog casino online in your free time. The establishment stands out for its user-friendly approach. It opened back on February 1, 2019. It targeted the U.S., so the only language of the interface is English. 

The establishment operates under a license. It is described in Red Dog online casino evaluations. The collection mostly features games by such world-renowned developers as Visionary and RealTime. The website is notable for its ease of navigation. You can use the hidden menu, which is opened by clicking the appropriate button in the upper left corner of the screen. More information on such establishments can be found at

Ten Online Dangerous Games 

The first example of a dangerous online game is The Fire Fairy. It is a prank that can illegally involve young children. There are dangerous instructions given:

  • wake up at midnight;
  • go to the stove;
  • turn on the gas;
  • leave the fire on;
  • go back to bed. 

Children are promised that after awakening, they will become fire fairies. The second dangerous game is Cinnamon Challenge, which has become the most widely practiced in the United States. As a result, the number of calls to toxicology centers has increased. 

The dangerous recommendation is as follows: victims are advised to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon for a minute without drinking water. Eating the caustic spice causes adverse health consequences, such as

  • lung collapse;
  • breathing problems;
  • lung irritation;
  • suffocation. 

There is another dangerous game where two people take part. It is illegal, so witnesses can immediately call the police. The essence is as follows. One strangles the other. This leads to oxygen deprivation of the brain. The person may become dizzy, which often results in temporary loss of consciousness. Such problems may even cause fatalities. 

Mariam may seem to be an ordinary computer game. The main character is a girl who gets lost in the woods. The players have to find their way to her home and help the little girl. However, the situation is not limited to frightening visual and sound effects. You also have to answer a large number of personal questions.

The fifth game is Tide Pod Challenge, where participants taste laundry pods. After holding it in your mouth, you can spit it out or swallow it. This poses a serious health hazard. 

The sixth option is Five Fingers. It is chosen by adults and most often by men. You must put a knife between your fingers and move it as fast as possible. 

The seventh game requires participants to drink as much milk as possible within a limited time frame. It is usually specified in the terms and conditions. The volume is from 3 liters. It is important not to vomit. Most often, people experience nausea. 

“Cutting” is the eighth challenge, which adolescents mostly choose without their parents’ knowledge. They are asked to cut a leg, arm, or other parts of the body with a blade. It is recommended that they show the damage to their friends, take pictures, and post it on social media. 

The ninth challenge is “Salt and Ice,” where participants again harm themselves. The palm is sprinkled with salt, and then ice is placed on it. A burning sensation appears, like frostbite. Several people take part in the test. To win, you have to hold it longer than the others despite the pain. 

All the process is filmed and then posted on social media. So why do people feel pain? Because a chemical reaction is triggered by the combination of salt and ice. The mixture gets cold instantly and causes a negative effect on the skin. 

The tenth game is “Charlie. It has its origins in an urban legend. It has become viral over the past three years through a hashtag that can be found on forums and social media. It has appeared more than a million times on Twitter. Some YouTube stars also posted relevant videos on their channels and announced their participation in the game. 

There is a white sheet of paper with four black squares on it. Two are marked with “Yes,” and the others are marked with “No.” Next, the pencils are placed on top of each other. They start to move as soon as Charlie the demon is asked questions. Participants get “Yes/No” answers.

Such a game, in fact, resembles a spiritualistic seance. It is believed that because of the disrespect for Charlie, troubles may attack players. That’s why it’s necessary to say goodbye to the demon in the right way. It makes a lot of teenagers scared. 

Are There Any Dangerous Kids Online Games?

Parents need to remember that there are dangerous kids’ online games. It’s hard to consider them normal entertainment. This is not only how computer viruses spread. The negative aspects include the risks of:

  • sexual abuse;
  • credit card fraud;
  • identity theft;
  • psychological bullying;
  • physical harm. 

A few years ago the world learned about the Blue Whale, and it is hard to call it a game. Participants had to complete up to 50 tasks, each of them with a risk to health and life. On the last day, suicide was imposed. According to the police, 130 people took their own lives. Before that, photos were taken and sent to the curators. 

A less dangerous game was called the Kylie Lip Challenge after Kylie Jenner (Kim Kardashian’s sister). Participants were encouraged to put a shot glass to their lips and aim all their efforts at it. As a result, the lips were supposed to become beautiful and plump. Often the glass broke due to pressure that caused participants to cut their lips. 

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The children also tied one of their friends to a chair with duct tape. He had three minutes to escape. In the rush, the child could trip, fall down, and get injured. 

Dangerous games negatively influence life and health. It is especially unpleasant when they are chosen by children because of the lack of parental control. Adults are recommended to register at online casinos.  

Red Dog Online Casino Evaluations: Read before Registration

Red Dog online casino evaluations describe the game modes. There are two of them – free and paid. In addition to slot machines, the collection includes roulette with a different number of green sectors. One of the most popular gambling games is craps. Card games include blackjack, baccarat, and poker. You can search for a suitable option by name.

There are several types of bonuses (no deposit, welcome, reload). In case of an unsuccessful game, users are credited with a cashback. Registration is carried out by filling out a form, which consists of three pages. They are specified in the table below.


Page Required data
Account  Nickname, password, email address
Personalization  Visitors’ personal information
Address  Home address, and other contact information

You can use Visa, a bank card, to top up your account.  


It is absolutely not recommended to choose dangerous games in order to experience the thrills. Adults are better off registering at a reliable casino that operates legally. For English-speaking players, Red Dog with its extensive collection is suitable. It grows every month. New items appear on the website immediately after their release.