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The Benefits Of Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 By Grouping

The Benefits Of Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 By Grouping

The Benefits Of Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 By Grouping

Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping can simplify complex algebraic expressions and make problem-solving easier.

Here are the benefits of factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping:

  • Grouping enables us to divide the expression into smaller, more manageable sub-expressions.
  • By factoring out the common factors, we can simplify each sub-expression, making it easier to solve.
  • Factoring by grouping can also help in identifying the zeros of a polynomial expression, which is useful in solving polynomial equations.
  • Additionally, factoring allows us to divide larger polynomial expressions into smaller, more manageable ones, which can make graphing polynomial functions much easier.

Overall, factoring by grouping is a useful tool for simplifying complex expressions and making algebra more accessible.

Understanding Factorization by Grouping

Factorization by grouping is a process of breaking a polynomial into two or more polynomials with common factors. It is helpful in simplifying and organising equations and is used to solve advanced algebraic equations.

In this article, we will talk about the technique of factorization by grouping and the resulting expression when we factor 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10

by grouping.

Explanation of the concept of Factorization by Grouping

Factorization by grouping is a technique used to factorise algebraic expressions by grouping terms that share common factors. This method is particularly useful when dealing with polynomials that have four or more terms.

The steps to factorise an expression using grouping are as follows:

  • Identify pairs of terms that share common factors.
  • Group the pairs together, creating two sets.
  • Factor out the GCF (greatest common factor) from each set.
  • Factor out the GCF from the resulting expression, if possible.
  • Simplify the expression by combining like terms.

For example, factoring the expression 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping involves grouping the first two terms and the second two terms together, factoring out x2 from each set, and then factoring out 2 from the resulting expression. The simplified expression is then 2×2(3×2-2)+2(3×2-2), or (3×2-2)(2×2+1). Factoring by grouping can save time and effort when dealing with complex expressions.

How to recognize the need to factor by grouping

In algebra, factoring by grouping is a method used to simplify algebraic expressions by grouping terms with common factors. It is used when the algebraic expression cannot be factored using other methods such as factoring out a common factor or using the difference of squares formula.

To recognize the need to factor by grouping, look for an algebraic expression with four terms and pairs of terms that share a common factor. The pairs of terms need to be grouped together so that the common factors can be factored out.

For example, in the expression 6x^4 – 5x^2 + 12x^2 – 10

, we can group the first two terms and the last two terms, noticing that the common factor in the first pair of terms is 1x^2

and in the second pair of terms is 2

. Then factor out the common factor from each pair, giving you 1x^2(6x^2 – 5) + 2(6x^2 – 5)

. Notice that the resulting two terms are identical, so you can factor out the common factor (6x^2-5)

, leaving you with the final expression: (6x^2-5)(x^2+2)


Factoring by grouping is beneficial because it simplifies the algebraic expression and makes it easier to work with in future calculations. It is often used in calculus, trigonometry, and other advanced maths courses.

Why factoring by grouping can be advantageous compared to other methods

Factoring by grouping is advantageous compared to other methods of factorization because it makes the process quicker and more straightforward.

Let’s take the example of factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping:

Step 1: Group the terms with common factors. In this case, group the first two terms and the last two terms.
(6×4 – 5×2) + (12×2 – 10)
Step 2: Factor out the common factor from each group.
x2 (6×2 – 5) + 2(6×2 – 5)
Step 3: Notice that each group now has a common factor of (6×2 – 5), which can be factored out.
(6×2 – 5) (x2 + 2)

By factoring the expression through grouping, we were able to simplify the process and arrive at the solution – (6×2 – 5) (x2 + 2) – quicker and more efficiently than other methods.

Pro Tip: Practice and familiarity with the technique of factoring by grouping can save you valuable time and reduce errors in more complex expressions.

Step by Step Guide to Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10

Factoring 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping can be a tricky concept to understand. If you are familiar with the process of factoring polynomials, then this should be a piece of cake.

This guide will walk you through each step of the process, helping you to fully understand the resulting expression of the factorization. With a few easy steps you can break down this expression into its simpler terms.

Identifying pairs of terms that can be grouped

Identifying pairs of terms that can be grouped is a crucial step in the process of factoring polynomial expressions like 6x^4 – 5x^2 + 12x^2 – 10. This guide will walk you through the process of factoring this expression by grouping terms.

Here are the steps to follow:
Group the terms in pairs based on their highest common factors.
Find the GCF of each pair of terms in the group.
Factor out the GCF from each pair of terms, leaving you with 2 sets of parentheses.
Look for a common factor in the terms that are now in the parentheses.
Factor out the common factor from each set of parentheses.
Combine the factors inside the parentheses to get the final factorization.

Factoring can simplify complex polynomial expressions, making them easier to work with, and help us find their roots.

Grouping the terms and factoring out common factors

Grouping the terms and factoring out common factors is a useful technique in simplifying and solving polynomial equations like 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to factoring this equation using grouping:

1. Group the terms with common factors: (6×4 – 5×2) + (12×2 – 10)
2. Simplify each group by factoring out the common factor: 6×2(x2 – 5/3) + 2(6×2 – 5)
3. Identify and factor out the common factor: 2(3×2 – 5) (3x2x2 – 5×2 + 20)

Factoring out common factors can help make complex equations more manageable and easier to solve, saving you time and effort.

Combining the resulting expressions and simplifying the final expression

The process of combining the resulting expressions and simplifying the final expression is a crucial step in factoring polynomial expressions. Here is a step-by-step guide to factorizing 6x^4 – 5x^2 + 12x^2 – 10 by grouping:

Step 1: Break the polynomial into two groups based on the common factor. In this case, we can group 6x^4 – 5x^2 and 12x^2 – 10.
Step 2: Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) of each group. The GCF of 6x^4 – 5x^2 is x^2(6x^2 – 5), and the GCF of 12x^2 – 10 is 2(6x^2 – 5).
Step 3: Combine the resulting expressions by grouping the remaining factors. We now have (x^2 – 2)(6x^2 – 5).
Step 4: Simplify the final expression by multiplying the two factors. The factored form of 6x^4 – 5x^2 + 12x^2 – 10 is (x^2 – 2)(6x^2 – 5).

Factoring polynomial expressions can make them easier to work with and solve. By simplifying complex expressions, students can gain a deeper understanding of algebraic concepts and improve their problem-solving skills.

Practice Problems and Solutions

Factoring can be an intimidating concept to get your head around and it can be difficult to understand the steps to factor expressions. However, there are some practice problems and solutions that we can use to help us better understand the concept. This section will provide you with several practice problems and solutions to factor 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping.

Problem Solution
(6×4 – 5×2) + (12×2 – 10) (6×2 – 5)(x2 + 2)

Example problems demonstrating different variations of factoring by grouping with 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10

Factoring by grouping is a powerful mathematical technique for simplifying complex polynomials. Let’s take the example equation 6x⁴ – 5x² + 12x² – 10 and explore different variations of factoring by grouping:

Option 1: (6x⁴ – 5x²) + (12x² – 10)
Factoring out the GCF gives: x²(6x² – 5) + 2(6x² – 5)
Factoring out the common binomial gives: (x² + 2)(6x² – 5)
Option 2: (6x⁴ + 12x²) + (- 5x² – 10)
Factoring out the GCF gives: 6x²(x² + 2) – 5(x² + 2)
Factoring out the common binomial gives: (6x² – 5)(x² + 2)

These variations of factoring by grouping demonstrate how the technique can simplify polynomials to factor with different binomials. Factoring can help in solving equations, graphing and finding roots.

Pro Tip: Regular practice of factoring by grouping can help students develop strong algebraic problem solving skills.

Step-by-step solutions to each example problem

When factoring a polynomial like 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are the step-by-step solutions for this practice problem:

First, group the terms together by their common factors: (6×4 – 5×2) + (12×2 – 10)
Next, factor out the greatest common factor from each grouping: x2(6×2 – 5) + 2(6×2 – 5)
Notice that both groupings now have a common factor of (6×2 – 5). Factor this out: (6×2 – 5)(x2 + 2)

And there you have it – the fully factored form of the polynomial.

Pro Tip: Remember to look for common factors and groupings when factoring polynomials, and take your time to ensure you don’t make any mistakes.

Tips and tricks for recognizing patterns and efficiently factoring by grouping

Recognizing patterns and factoring by grouping are effective techniques for solving algebraic equations, simplifying expressions, and solving problems in calculus and beyond. Here are some tips and tricks to help you recognize patterns and factor by grouping more efficiently:

1. Look for common factors in every term of the expression that you want to factor.
2. Group the terms with a common factor together.
3. Factor out the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of each group of terms.
4. Write the expression as the product of the GCF and the sum of the terms inside the parentheses.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to mathematics, so try as many problems as you can to help you recognize patterns more efficiently.

For example, to factor 6×4-5×2+12×2-10 by grouping, you can group the first two and the last two terms together to get:

See Also


Factoring out the GCF from each group, you get:


Simplifying the expression, you get:


And that’s your final answer.

Applications of Factoring by Grouping

Factoring by grouping is one of the most useful tools for manipulating algebraic expressions because it offers great flexibility in terms of generating equivalent expressions with fewer terms. This method of factoring can be applied to any pair of terms that have a common factor. In this article, we are going to look at the application of this method by factoring the expression 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10

by grouping. The resulting expression we will obtain will be a crucial part of understanding the concept of factoring by grouping.

Real-world applications of factoring by grouping in mathematics and related fields

Factoring by grouping is a valuable technique used in mathematics and related fields to solve complex equations, simplify expressions, and model real-world phenomena. One such example is factoring the expression 6×4 – 5×2 + 12×2 – 10 by grouping.

Here’s how you can use factoring by grouping to simplify this expression:

First, group the terms 6×4 – 5×2 and 12×2 – 10 separately.

Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) from each group: 6×4 – 5×2 = x2(6×2 – 5) and 12×2 – 10 = 2(6×2 – 5).

Notice that both groups have a common factor (6×2 – 5).

Factor out this common factor from both groups: x2(6×2 – 5) + 2(6×2 – 5) = (x2 + 2)(6×2 – 5).

Now, the expression is simplified, and values of x that make the expression equal to zero can be easily determined.

Factoring by grouping is widely used in algebra, calculus, physics, and engineering to solve problems related to optimization, modelling, and prediction.

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Benefits and limitations of using factoring by grouping compared to other methods

Factoring by grouping is a useful method for factoring polynomials, especially when you have a polynomial with four or more terms. However, it’s essential to understand the benefits and limitations of using factoring by grouping compared to other methods.

Benefits of factoring by grouping:
– It works well for polynomials with four or more terms.
– It helps to simplify complex expressions by grouping similar terms together.
– It can often reveal an otherwise hidden factor that may be useful in further simplification or solving the polynomial equation.
Limitations of factoring by grouping:
– It can be time-consuming for polynomials with many terms.
– It only works when there are specific grouping patterns, making it less versatile than other factoring methods.
– It may require further simplification, making it less straightforward than other methods like factoring using the AC method for factoring trinomials.

Overall, factoring by grouping is a useful tool for factoring certain types of polynomials, but it’s important to consider the benefits and limitations of other methods as well to choose the optimal approach for your specific problem.

Further resources and examples for exploring factoring by grouping in context

When it comes to exploring factoring by grouping in context, there are several resources and examples available to help you gain a better understanding of the technique.

Here are a few resources to check out:

– Mathway: This online platform provides step-by-step guidance on factoring by grouping, along with practice problems to improve your skills.
– Khan Academy: This website offers free videos and exercises on algebraic concepts, including factoring by grouping.
– MathIsFun: This website has an easy-to-follow guide on factoring by grouping that helps you learn the technique through straightforward examples.

Applying factoring by grouping has many benefits, including simplifying complex expressions and solving polynomial equations. By learning and practicing this technique, you can improve your algebraic skills and achieve greater success in your math studies.