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Some of the Greatest Gambling Video Games of All Time

Some of the Greatest Gambling Video Games of All Time

Video games and gambling are intricately connected. Quite a few studies have shown that gamers tend to do better at casinos than people who aren’t interested in video games. The reason for this could have something to do with the problem-solving skills that gamers develop when they play games. Or it could be related to the fact that they just have a knack for gaming. After all, what is gambling, if not the earliest form of gaming?

Considering the fact that games and gambling are so intricately connected, it isn’t a surprise to learn that gambling video games are quite popular. So, in this article, we would like to take a look at a few of the best gambling video games around.

Online Gambling Games Are Loads of Fun

Obviously, we can’t make a list like this without mentioning one of the biggest trends in gaming today, online gambling. Henceforth referred to as “iGaming,” the online gambling industry is large and is only expected to grow in the coming future. Precisely for this reason, online gambling websites seem to be growing in popularity and in number.

This demand for online casinos might just come with a downside. Namely, there are now too many websites to choose from. So, if you need help deciding, check out CasinoEncyclopedia, for some trusted online casinos reviews. On these websites, you will find roulette, poker, blackjack, and of course, slots.

Poker Night at the Inventory 1 & 2

Poker Night at the Inventory is a poker video game developed and released by Telltale Games. The Studio is best known for their Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us choose-your-own-adventure games, as well as their Tales of Monkey Island franchise. In Poker Night, characters from numerous video game franchises gather together for a night of poker.

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In the first game, the characters included are Max from the Sam & Max games, The RED Heavy from Team Fortress 2, Strong Bad from Homestar Runner, and Tycho from the Penny Arcade webcomic. The characters all gather for a game of Texas Hold ‘Em at incredibly low stakes. The second game follows the same basic formula, featuring different characters. So, if you’ve ever been curious to see these lovable characters in a new light, check out the Poker Night franchise.

World Championship Poker Series

Lastly, we can’t say much about the World Championship Poker series that hasn’t been said. Akin to FIFA or Madden, WCP is a licensed series based on the World Series of Poker tournaments. There are three main games in the series, all of which have attained quite a bit of success. However, most fans seem to agree that 2 is the series’ triumph.