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The Best Online Games for 2021

The Best Online Games for 2021

The Best Online Games for 2021

The past year leading up to 2021 has been long. That, we can all agree. While we all have working from home schedules for the foreseeable, alongside altered realities, many people have sought to invest into PC gaming, as a way to kindle the fire within. If we have no goals that we can achieve within our actual lives, what can we do instead? That is, play games and level up on that front instead, right? While there are so many candidates out there to select and consider, there are also casinos that are an option, as they are available directly from your PC, just like online gaming. Make sure to click here for more information!

The best online games are ones that are freely accessible and give you great resemblance to your favourite movies and TV series. For example, the Game of Thrones franchise has found many games that resemble its storyline and mystical creatures like dragons for example, just without the actual labelling of it. You will see, by reading this, that there are huge portfolios of games that are available to players immediately, without any investment from your side whatsoever. Nevertheless, it is time to level up your gaming portfolio, quick time!

Forge of Empires

The first option within our list for 2021, is the Forge of Empires. While this game is not new, it has been around for a few years, it does not make it any less of a candidate for you to consider! This game gives you the elements of the Age of Empires series, but for free! There is no need for any download whatsoever, you can just stream the game online from a web browser.

The game has you going from just a spearman to gradually building up your abode, and slowly using military warfare techniques to improve the defences of your continuously growing home. The entire game is built around tactics, geopolitics and strategy. So, make sure you analyse every single movement forward from the moment you are in. Your quest is to look after your city and ward off any of those that wish to seize it from you.

Also, read Best Websites for Playing Free Online Games

Game of Thrones Winter is Coming

We all have heard of game of thrones no doubt. It is a TV series that had us on the edge of our seats for many, many years. While we all wished for a better ending, one thing is for sure-we wish it never ended. This free PC game will allow you to serve your lord to power over Westeros. This again is another strategy game, meaning you will need to complete the game with the best strategy going forward. In addition to this, alongside all the wealth you accumulate, you will need to raise the required wealth to have the resources needed to attack the strongholds within the Seven Kingdoms, such as Kings Landing, Storm’s End and so on.

You will be able to ignite an army with the contributions from Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, to be undefeated within the land. With the unsullied by your side, there is not much that will be able to withstand you really, is there? Make sure you check out this game sooner rather than later, as the fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it.

Stronghold Kingdoms

This game is not as widely recognised as the MMO’s, however it has risen in importance and relevance this past year, due to people streaming online games more than ever. This game is the best option for multiplayers, as you can combine strategies together and work towards growing your medieval city, that you sweat over building. Together you can defeat your rivals and build alliances with other kingdoms that you perhaps have not worked alongside before. The more your network grows, the more you will be able to increase alliances. So, it is important that you do not isolate yourself, as a war is always hard to battle and fight alone, isn’t it?

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You will need to make sure that you download a small software to run this one, however it is not too great a deal and should not be excessive on your memory. The game pretty much runs on any computer, so you do not need to worry yourself too much on the specifics. This game is worth your time and energy, because it has something wholesome about it. Yes, we know the graphics are pretty old school, but that certainly adds to the charm if we are honest.

Travian Legends

This game is just exactly that, a legend. It has been around for quite some time, ten years to be precise, yet it still is considered one of the best strategy games within the industry for the moment. The graphics within this game are way ahead of its time, and it also does not require you to download any software, which is certainly great convenience-wise, no? For the years that it has been available on the market, it has built a great fan base and counting.

The gameplay is not complicated at all, which is what adds to its charm and appeal. You will select from the factions within the game to build your tribe upon. Slowly but surely, you will technically grow your empire. You will need to attack villages, as well as other factions that you are not allies with, yet through that you will attract large numbers to play with, in addition to gaining new warfare to use within the future battles to come. It is important to make sure you keep attacking and trading with the factions that surround you. Your alliances will be key to trade and increasing your empire’s sufficiency, so definitely do not neglect that aspect at all.

We would say that this game can be quite challenging at the beginning, yet the more you get yourself out there and challenge yourself, the more you will grow empire-wise. You have to remember you are a leader now, so make wise and just decisions