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15 Games like Civilization/Civ5 for Android, PS4

15 Games like Civilization/Civ5 for Android, PS4

15 Games like Civilization/Civ5 for Android, PS4

This article is dedicated to all the Civilization players who want something new or unique games like Civilization. If the strategy making of Civilization attracted you, then I am sure these games depicted here will be next in your list of favorite games. Civilization allows you to create a culture around you by building and crafting things continuously do it until you achieve your mission. The game is all about making progress that you gain by building the Civilization around you.

The game is a masterpiece because it mixes up the strategy making, building, and crafting, war, trade, and diplomacy too. The game provides you all the necessary elements for doing so due to its huge success the franchise has been continuing its journey every year.

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15 Games like Civilization/Civ5 for Android, PS4 2018

Civilization always offers a great gameplay, but it’s nothing wrong if you try something as amazing as this game and here I am talking about 15 games that are like civilization that everyone should try at least once in a lifetime.

Space Empires V

The game has been getting ratings since 2006 just after its releasing date, and that ensures an excellent work of Malfador Machinations that is the creator. Following the same gameplay just like Civilization, it brings you several other elements too, and one of them is being in the space. The game introduces a 3D combat system with lots of classes, races, and technologies that you get in the series. It is not it because here ground battles are also available if you don’t wish to take up space combats. You feel a perfect control in battles, and all the movements come handy with quality visuals.

Endless Space

A science fiction based game that is set in the galaxy or the space environment where you encounter space objects like spaceships, planets, stars, etc. you can choose from nine civilizations and start developing things here by destroying the harmful. As its name Endless, the game is good in depth, and that means a lot of content to explore. The game is an action based game too, so it bestows you with military power, scientific capabilities, hero units, and much more. Once you are done with your characters, choose your class and know your skills you are ready to attempt the civilization and perform quests.

Sword of the Stars

One of the perfect Civilization type games that take the space genre to its players and other familiar elements. You can choose from four different races and participate to build your surroundings fighting against those aliens roaming in the universe. Updates always make this game worth paying which means new races, features, and technology. The motive is to achieve your control on different territories in the galaxy by colonizing the new planets, design your ships and this way explore there as much as you can. The entire game depends on strategy with several customizing for maps, technology, events, etc.

Europa Universalis IV

It is the fourth version of the hugely successful series Europa Universalis developed by Paradox.

The fourth version is an incredible proof of its success that brings you a whole new gameplay with good quality of enhancements. Mechanics are also was so if you are a new player and looking for civilization strategy games then it’s always on for you. Here colonization takes place just like all other games mentioned here, and you see different nations of the world that take you to the ancient eras. You have the option to choose the era and civilization, and then you start your journey further to colonize.

Galactic Civilizations II

The game takes place in the galaxy that gives the same concept as the game similar to Civilization.

As it’s set in space, so it takes space strategies same as the previous version. If you are not familiar with the first one then as being a player you can enjoy this one and fight against several alien species. All you need to do is controlling the aliens and colonize your surroundings.

You also have the ability to travel the planets one by one protecting themselves and establish their control.

Medieval II: Total War

Another one in the war series of Medieval that is far developed and updated from previous versions. Players set in different zones like Europe, Middle East, and Africa and use their tactics to stay against the odds or danger. They are also able to use weapons, strategy, religion, and politics so all in all, it offers pretty lovely gameplay. You can find a total of twenty-one options from which you can choose and set your victory over them. There is nothing that you can guess as each comes with a unique style and even the concept is same.

Sins of a Solar Empire

It is a sci-fi themed game that comes as one of the games like civ 5 because of the building your empire thing in the space. The game is set in the universe, and it takes you there giving you military force, economic power, and other features too. The game allows you to perform real-time strategy so RTS and 4X games can easily be experienced. You are allowed to choose among the races and start playing in the future that is the universe. Each race comes with unique abilities that you use in battles against the alien species.

Age of Wonders III

The game is set in a fantasy world so those who enjoy a fantasy-themed game can start the gameplay. The game includes three features that include single player, multiplayer and co-operative too. The motive is same as others described here and that is expanding your empire where you are the lead role. Here you fight, interact, understand things, build your empire, and also fight your enemies. Six races include humans, high elves, draconian, orcs, dwarves and goblins from which you can choose and play. The character is customizable and as you progress you get powers, tools, and other useful gears.

Master of Orion

The game with the perfect visuals and characters that anyone can feel addictive play. And so it comes as the best one among the alternatives to cv5. The game sets you the environment that seems like science fiction where you can feel plenty of 4X features. This space-based strategy game needs you to fight in the galaxy using diplomacy and colonize as much area as you can. Players are free to choose from ten different races that have different strengths and abilities, and you can go with the one you like. The depth is impressive so the game can be explored a lot and the levels can be enjoyed a lot.

Napoleon: Total War

One of the similar games like cv5 that grabs your attention due to the captivating graphics and features that the game provides. To be the great Napoleon, you can head to the game and experience the Napoleon: Total War. It is a turn-based gameplay that adds real-time strategy making. The game sets the objectives that take you to participate in Napoleon’s battles that are spread from Europe to the Middle East and North Africa in the ancient eras like the

18th and 19th. By following the map you in over your opponents and the way, you go on with the campaigns.

Rome: Total War

See Also

Another strategy based game that feels just like the Napoleon: Total War and thus justifies the Civilization too. The game is popular because of great war series that can be experienced in PC and Mac. The game always wins with the highest ratings where you feel the Roman era once you choose the families from Scipii, Julii, and Brutii. Every family has its own objective that requires you to fight and control the area or colonise it. Here are 50 provinces that you need to take in control built as a demo play you can also play controlling 15 provinces only.

The Settlers: Rise of an Empire

It is a mixture of real-time strategy and 4X style that was brought to light by UbiSoft in 2007. The 4X style introduces the players to things like exploration, battling, establishing an empire, and utilizing the resources. So those who think it a great idea to try can go with the game.

The game takes place in Medieval Europe whereas a player you are fighting against the evil named Red Prince. Here are sixteen missions that you need to cover up in order to take the control in the world. Here six classes are available that you can choose from and just approach your quests, so the game feels like the alternatives to Civilization.

Shogun: Total War

Another great legend when it comes to war series and a game that is same as cv5. You see the locations of Japan, and the game takes you to some real historical elements to make its storyline. The eras here described are 15th to 17th centuries, and the wars happened during those years. The objective is becoming the king of Japan or the only Shogun of the land

Using your military power and other elements against enemies and set your victory. You can choose from seven factions each of which has different advantages and start your play.

March of the Eagles

Someone who wants a good strategy based game with the objective to expand your empire will find this one is really addictive gameplay. You need to make a choice among the European powers like France, Ottoman, Sweden, Russian, etc. and start leading one of these. You get the control using your power of weapons, economy, and diplomacy so no doubt that it’s a great strategy game that is one of the free games like Civilization. Here France gets the dominant power of the land, and Great Britain comes with the naval power. You need to take care of the partnership or form the union using this ruling power. Also, take care that who is replacing these two controls and whichever is the dominant plays as your opponent.

Alpha Centauri

Again a 4X style game that needs strategy making and offers you plenty of exploration. Here classes can be chosen to use particular features that come along. So similarities can be found out easily when you talk about Alpha Centauri and Civilization. The game takes you in the future that is the 22nd century where players can choose from seven classes to achieve the objectives and utilize the features of the particular one. It is an entirely innovative form as it is full of customisable units, experiencing space life, fight against aliens, climate conditions, etc. also there are maps that you follow and research while using diplomacy to set your base and expand it.


So all of these are about proving your empire and continuously spread your control. This factor makes all these Best Turn Based Strategy games like Civ. So don’t take stress if more than one excites you to try because they are always free to play so go one by one and let me know which one is your new favorite.