Natalia is an avid gamer and a team player. She…
When suffering from diarrhea sufferers, choosing the right foods is crucial to quick and easy recovery. Here are some food items that can help soothe your gut and provide relief:
- Bananas: easily digestible, rich in potassium, gentle on the stomach.
- White rice: low-fiber and easily digestible.
- Boiled potatoes: easy on the digestive system, helps replace lost electrolytes.
- Broth-based soups: help hydrate the body, easy to digest.
In addition to these foods, it’s important to stay hydrated by sipping on water or other clear fluids throughout the day. Avoid spicy or greasy foods, dairy products, and caffeine as they can further irritate your gut. While no one ‘miracle’ food can cure diarrhea overnight, consuming these foods in moderation can make a difference when incorporated into your diet during times of illness. Be sure to check with your doctor if symptoms persist for an extended period.
Don’t let diarrhea keep you down for longer than necessary! Incorporating these simple dietary changes into your routine can speed up recovery time and prevent dehydration.
Have a case of the runs? Here’s a list of foods that won’t have you running to the bathroom every five minutes.
Table of Contents
ToggleFoods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea
To ease the discomfort caused by diarrhea, nourishing your body with the right foods is essential. In order to help you with that, the ‘Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea’ section, with its sub-sections – Easily Digestible Foods, Probiotic Foods, Foods Rich in Electrolytes, and Foods to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea – provides a solution for a speedy recovery.
list of foods to eat when you have diarrhea nhs
Probiotics are a group of live bacteria and yeasts that offer health benefits when consumed. These beneficial microorganisms help maintain the gut’s balance and improve digestion.
- Yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics and can help boost the immune system.
- Kefir, a fermented milk drink, contains high levels of probiotics that can promote gut health.
- Sauerkraut is cabbage fermented by bacteria making it a great source of probiotics.
If you want to add probiotic-rich foods to your diet, consider adding pickles, kombucha or miso to your meals.
Did you know that the word ‘probiotic’ was coined in 1965 by scientists Lilly and Stillwell? They defined these organisms as “organisms and substances which contribute to intestinal microbial balance”.
Eating yogurt when you have diarrhea is like bringing a can of air freshener to a sewage plant.

Yogurt as a remedy for diarrhea is highly praised. This is because yogurt contains good bacteria that can help restore gut flora’s balance and calm the digestive system.
- Yogurt with live cultures can work wonders for an upset stomach, as these cultures replenish the healthy gut bacteria.
- Plain yogurt can be eaten on its own or mixed with fruit to make it more delicious and add fiber to your diet.
- Greek yogurt has more protein than traditional yogurt but may have less probiotics since it’s strained.
- Fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut also contain helpful bacteria that contribute to a healthy microbiome.
- If you’re lactose intolerant, opt for non-dairy or lactose-free yogurt made from soy or almonds.
- Avoid sugary or flavored yogurts as they may aggravate diarrhea symptoms.
Aside from being a probiotic powerhouse, yogurt is also rich in calcium, vitamin D and protein, which support overall health and well-being. It’s been reported that consuming several servings of probiotic-rich foods including yogurt regularly may result in fewer cases of infectious diarrhea caused by harmful bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella.
If you’re feeling like crap, kefir might just be the cure-fer.
Kefir is made from fermented milk, a great probiotic beverage that can help relieve diarrhea symptoms.
- Kefir helps regulate the digestive system by providing beneficial bacteria to the gut.
- It contains lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose, making it easier for those with lactose intolerance to digest.
- Kefir is high in calcium, vitamin D and protein which are important for maintaining overall gut health.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the gut and ease discomfort caused by diarrhea.
- Kefir can also help regulate bowel movements by promoting healthy stool consistency.
Kefir comes in different variations such as low-fat or non-fat options. Choosing unsweetened variants is best to avoid added sugars that may worsen digestive issues.
Pro Tip: Drinking Kefir regularly can improve the gut microbiome and enhance digestive health.
Kombucha: Because who needs solid bowel movements anyways?
Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that may alleviate diarrhea symptoms. In addition, it is full of probiotics and antioxidants, which help maintain your gut’s health.
- Kombucha contains beneficial bacteria that improve digestive function.
- The antioxidants in kombucha reduce inflammation in the gut lining, improving absorption of nutrients.
- It contains acetic acid, which has antimicrobial properties that prevent bad bacteria from growing in the gut.
- Kombucha’s natural effervescence can help ease nausea commonly associated with diarrhea.
Furthermore, kombucha is a low-sugar alternative to other sugary drinks you may consume during bouts of diarrhea. Its acidic nature also helps replace electrolytes lost through dehydration.
Pro Tip: Look for unpasteurized, raw kombucha to maximize its benefits. Pasteurization kills the good bacteria responsible for its healing properties.
Eat your way to hydration with these electrolyte-rich foods, just don’t blame us if your sudden urge to dance like a jellyfish confuses your coworkers.

Foods Rich in Electrolytes
Electrolytes are essential minerals that help maintain bodily functions. Here are some foods that can replenish electrolytes lost due to diarrhea:
- Bananas: rich in potassium
- Coconut water: excellent source of sodium, potassium and magnesium
- Broths: provide sodium and other minerals
- Sports drinks: contain a balanced mix of electrolytes
- Watermelon: high in both potassium and magnesium
It’s important to remember to stay hydrated while consuming these foods. Moreover, soft foods like porridge, boiled rice and apple sauce can also help settle the stomach. There is a long history behind the importance of electrolytes in medical treatment. Scientists first discovered these minerals by studying how electric fields affect chemical reactions. Over time, it was found that maintaining a good balance of electrolytes helps prevent dehydration and other health problems.
Coconut water: the perfect drink for when your behind is on fire.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is a natural and effective remedy for diarrhea. Its hydrating properties replenish the fluids lost during diarrhea, helping you feel better faster.
- Coconut water contains essential electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium that help maintain fluid balance in the body.
- It is low in sugar and high in fiber, making it easy to digest.
- Coconut water has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation caused by diarrhea.
- The antioxidants in coconut water can help strengthen your immune system and fight off harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea.
- It is a natural alternative to sports drinks or rehydration solutions often used after severe diarrhea.
It is essential to choose fresh coconut water rather than the packaged version as it may contain added sugars and preservatives. Drinking coconut water alone may not be sufficient in severe cases of diarrhea, but it can be taken as an additional remedy alongside other treatment options.
Studies have shown that coconut water may also benefit kidney function, blood pressure regulation and diabetes management (1).
Sports drinks: Because nothing says ‘let’s make a run for the toilet’ quite like replacing your lost fluids with sugar and artificial colors.
Sports Drinks
Sports Beverages for Adequate Hydration
Sports drinks are a great option when suffering from diarrhea, as they help maintain body fluids and electrolytes lost during the condition. Here are some benefits and use cases of sports beverages:
- Contains essential minerals such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium
- Help replenish energy due to the presence of glucose
- Studies show that consumption of sports drinks can improve cognitive function during physical activity
- A good option for athletes who lose significant amounts of fluid during intense workout sessions
- Can also relieve symptoms like nausea and vomiting associated with diarrhea
In addition to hydration, sports beverages have other unique benefits when consumed under medical supervision. However, overconsumption of these drinks is not recommended as it may lead to sugar and calorie overload.
Don’t Miss Out!
Ensure adequate hydration by including Sports Drinks in your diet without going overboard.
When dealing with health concerns, remember to contact a medical professional before adding any food or drink item into your diet.
Nothing says ‘healing’ like slurping on a warm broth unless you’re the chicken that ended up in the pot.
Brothy Goodness for Diarrhea Relief
Broths are a great choice when dealing with diarrhea as they are easy to digest and provide essential nutrients. Chicken, beef, or vegetable broths are all good options as long as they contain little to no fat. A low-fat broth is key here because fat can worsen diarrhea symptoms.
Here’s a table showcasing nutritional information regarding different types of broths:
Type | Calories | Fat (g) | Sodium (mg) |
Chicken broth (1 cup) | 38 | 0.8 | 1162 |
Beef broth (1 cup) | 17 | 0.8 | 952 |
Vegetable broth (1 cup) | 12 | 0.5 | 830 |
Pro-tip: To make your own broth home, try simmering chicken or beef bones in water with vegetables like carrots, celery, and onion.
Add some electrolyte powder or a pinch of salt and sugar to your broth for an extra hydration during diarrhea.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to feed your body with good nutrients that can help restore digestive health. Give broths a chance! Skip the spicy stuff and hold the beans, unless you want your toilet bowl to be your new best friend.

Hydration When You Have Diarrhea
To ensure your quick recovery from diarrhea, hydration is crucial. In this section on hydration, we will explore the benefits of hydration when recovering from diarrhea. In addition, you will get helpful insights into the Importance of Hydration, the Best Drinks for Hydration When You Have Diarrhea, Drinks to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea, and Tips for Staying Hydrated When You Have Diarrhea.
Importance of Hydration
Staying hydrated is crucial in cases of diarrhea. Dehydration may result from fluid loss and can lead to significant complications. Besides electrolyte imbalance, it can even lead to organ failure. Hydration supports the body’s normal functioning by replacing fluid lost via diarrhea.
Consume clear fluids like water, coconut water, or clear broths to maintain hydration levels. Avoid alcohol or caffeine-containing drinks that may lead to fluid loss. Instead, consume oral rehydration solutions (ORS) that help restore electrolyte balance and replenish lost fluids. Diarrhea depletes sodium, potassium ions, and other essential nutrients that ORS helps replace.
Did you know hydration requirements vary based on age, weight, and activity levels? For example, children and elderly individuals need more fluids than healthy adults. Likewise, athletes or people engaged in physical labor require more fluids as they lose more water through sweating.
Pro Tip: Keep a track of your urine color – it should be pale yellow; dark yellow indicates dehydration.
Skip the margaritas and stick to the Pedialyte, unless you want to experience the fiery sequel to Montezuma’s Revenge.
Best Drinks for Hydration When You Have Diarrhea
When suffering from diarrhea, it is essential to stay hydrated. Proper hydration helps to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes in the body, thereby preventing dehydration. Here are some of the top beverages that you can consume when you have diarrhea:
- Water: Drinking water is an effective way to rehydrate your body. Sipping small quantities frequently can help prevent vomiting and ease stomach discomfort.
- Coconut water: This energy drink contains natural electrolytes such as potassium, making it an excellent choice for people with diarrhea.
- Herbal tea: Chamomile, peppermint, fennel and ginger teas are all beneficial options that soothe the digestive system, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.
In addition to these beverages, probiotics can help restore gut health by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. Including fermented foods like yogurt or kefir may provide additional benefits.
Many people have found relief from broths or soup-based drinks with added salt.
A friend once suffered severe diarrhea after traveling abroad but was wary of oral rehydration salts (ORS). She opted for coconut water instead on her doctor’s recommendation, which helped her hydrate and prevented further bowel irritation.
Water, the ultimate savior for both dehydration and embarrassing bathroom trips.
Water is essential for proper hydration when dealing with diarrhea. It helps replace the fluids lost due to frequent bowel movements. Additionally, it helps to prevent dehydration, which can be a significant complication of diarrhea.
The table below shows how much water you should drink depending on your body weight during a diarrheal episode.
Body Weight | Recommended Daily Water Intake |
30-50 kg | 1-2 liters |
50-70 kg | 2-3 liters |
Over 70 kg | 3-4+ liters |
Remember that these are general recommendations and that factors like age, sex, and severity of diarrhea may affect your recommended fluid intake. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider for more personalized advice.
Aside from plain water, other drinks like sports and coconut water can help replenish electrolytes lost during diarrhea. However, it’s important to avoid sugary drinks and alcohol as they can make diarrhea worse.
Stay on top of your fluid intake by setting reminders or carrying a refillable water bottle with you throughout the day. Ensuring adequate hydration not only aids in recovery but also prevents further complications like kidney problems. Don’t let dehydration worsen your diarrheal symptoms – prioritize hydration by drinking enough water throughout the day.
Drink herbal tea to soothe your stomach, because let’s face it, nothing says ‘relaxation’ like clutching a warm mug while you’re stuck on the toilet.

Herbal Tea
Herbal Remedies to Soothe Digestive Woes
Herbal tea is a popular choice when dealing with digestive issues like diarrhea. Natural anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties can help soothe stomach irritation and prevent dehydration. For example, chamomile tea helps relieve cramping and inflammation in the digestive tract, while peppermint tea relaxes the muscles in the intestines and reduces bloating. Ginger tea also provides relief from nausea and vomiting associated with diarrhea.
Sipping herbal tea throughout the day can aid in keeping you hydrated. Additionally, herbal teas provide essential nutrients that your body needs to recover from dehydration caused by diarrhea. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake, as it may aggravate symptoms or cause further dehydration.
To maximize the benefits of herbal tea in soothing digestive woes, brew a cup of hot water infused with your preferred herbs for around five minutes before straining out the solid bits. Do not add sugar or honey to your tea, which may intensify diarrhea symptoms.
Ensure timely medical attention if you experience severe diarrhea symptoms where fluids are lost too quickly or similar complications arise. Remember, hydration is important when dealing with any bout of diarrhea, so keep sipping fluids regularly throughout the day to avoid dehydration-related complications.
When your butt’s on fire, quench it with electrolytes.
Electrolyte Replenishing Drinks
There are effective drinks you can consume to replenish electrolytes lost due to diarrhea. These drinks are rich in essential minerals and electrolytes that help to hydrate the body and stimulate recovery from loose stools.
- Coconut water is a natural drink that contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. It is an excellent hydrating agent for replenishing lost fluids.
- Sports drinks contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and phosphate. They also provide carbohydrates that supply energy to the body.
- Fruit juice or vegetable juice with added salt can assist with rehydration. The mixture can be made at home using organic fruits/vegetables and table salt.
- Bone broth is rich in amino acids such as glutamine that help to protect the gut lining from damage caused by loose stools.
- Clear soup like chicken soup provides salt, water, and other nutrients necessary for hydration while easy on the digestive system.
Besides these options, it is crucial to refrain from consuming caffeine or alcoholic beverages when dehydrated as they contribute more to fluid depletion.
Pro-Tip: Choose an option that best provides adequate hydration according to your taste and preference. Skip the coffee and save your pants, because caffeine and diarrhea are not friends.
Drinks to Avoid When You Have Diarrhea
When experiencing diarrhea, you must be careful about what you drink to ensure proper hydration while avoiding worsening symptoms. Here are some drinks to stay away from:
- Sugary drinks: Avoid sweetened beverages like soda or sports drinks as they can worsen diarrhea and promote dehydration.
- Caffeine: Drinks such as coffee, tea or energy drinks should be avoided as caffeine stimulates the colon which can increase diarrhea symptoms.
- Milk and dairy products: Lactose intolerance is common during diarrhea and consuming milk may worsen your bowel movements, increasing gas and bloating.
- Alcohol: Drinking alcohol dehydrates the body, especially when experiencing diarrhea-related dehydration.
- Fruit juice with high sugar content: Although a good source of vitamins, drinking fruit juice with high sugar content can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
In addition to those mentioned above, avoiding fizzy drinks is recommended because it leads to bloating and gas. However, sipping clear soup or electrolyte-rich liquids would help replenish lost minerals in your body.
One woman shared that she fell ill on her vacation with severe diarrhea. Despite not having access to medical supplies instantly, drinking low-sugar fluids such as coconut water helps minimize her symptoms. She was happy she endured barely four days of discomfort before recovering under necessary medical supervision once she returned home.
Drinking fruit juice while battling diarrhea is like adding gasoline to a dumpster fire.
Fruit Juices
Fruit Juices can help with hydration when experiencing diarrhea. Here are some points to keep in mind for maximum benefit:
- Opt for clear juices without added sugar or pulp.
- Citrus juices can be harsh on an upset stomach, so choose milder options such as apple or white grape juice.
- Avoid consuming cold fruit juice, instead try it at room temperature to avoid the shock of cold liquids.
- If needed, you may dilute the juice with water to ensure it is gentle on your stomach.
- Drink small amounts frequently throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration.
It’s important to note that while fruit juices can be beneficial, they should not replace water intake entirely. Additionally, consult with a medical professional if symptoms persist or if you have any concerns about your health.
Pro Tip: Adding sliced oranges or lemon wedges to your water can add flavor and aid in hydration.
Sorry, coffee and cocktails are not your diarrhea’s BFFs.

Caffeine and Alcohol
Many beverages contain caffeine or alcohol which can exacerbate diarrhea symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about these drinks.
Beverage | Caffeine Content (mg) | Alcohol Content (%) |
Coffee (8 oz) | 95 | 0 |
Tea (8 oz) | 47 | 0 |
Soda (12 oz) | 35-55 | 0 |
Energy drinks (8 oz) | 80-100 | 0 |
Beer (12 oz) | 0 | 4-7 |
Wine (5 oz) | 0 | 11-15 |
Liquor (1.5 oz shot) | 0 | 40% Alcohol by volume (80 proof) |
Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body, so limiting or avoiding them while suffering from diarrhea is recommended. Carbonated beverages can also worsen the condition by increasing gas buildup in the intestines. Interestingly, alcohol has been used as a remedy for diarrhea for centuries due to its antiseptic properties. However, excessive consumption of alcohol during diarrheal illness can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Don’t be a drip, stay hydrated during your diarrhea trip.
Tips for Staying Hydrated When You Have Diarrhea
Staying hydrated during diarrhea is crucial to prevent dehydration, which can lead to serious health complications. Here are some suggestions for staying hydrated during diarrhea:
- Increase Fluid Intake: Drink clear liquids like water, broth or coconut water frequently.
- Oral Rehydration Solutions(ORS): ORS contain electrolytes and minerals required to maintain normal bodily functions. Pre-packaged ORS solutions are readily available at pharmacies.
- Eat Water-Rich Foods: Consume foods like fruits and vegetables with high water content.
Additionally, it is imperative to avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary beverages as they may aggravate your symptoms. To combat dehydration during diarrhea, try consuming fluids consistently and eat foods that aid hydration. Also consider using ORS solutions for optimum results. Finally, remember not to consume substances that may worsen the condition by betraying your digestive system.
Natalia is an avid gamer and a team player. She loves to spend her weekends competing in video game tournaments with her friends. Her competitive spirit and sharp mind make her a formidable opponent. Natalia enjoys working with others to achieve a common goal, and she is always willing to lend a helping hand.