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The Future of Game Design: Trends And Predictions

The Future of Game Design: Trends And Predictions

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Over the past decade, video games have evolved in new and complex ways. Long from the days when Pong was the most innovative game on the market, modern game brands such as Call of Duty, Rocket League, Fortnite, and more have changed how game design is viewed. Companies and gamers alike are now trying to predict where this industry is headed in the future. The best way to discover the future of game design is to look at a few of the driving trends that have fueled its growth.

What is Game Design?

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, game design refers to the end-to-end process of creating, designing, and shaping the inner mechanics of a video game. Rather than game development, which involves creating the actual code for a video game, game design is entirely creative and takes place in a game design studio where stories, characters, goals, and challenges are developed. When thinking of the difference between game design and game development, it’s best to think of the latter as being the implementation of the former.

How Game Design Has Grown in Recent Years

In the past, the game design didn’t exist at all because video games simply hadn’t become prominent in society. However, as video games started to evolve along with technology, game design became a field of its own. This growth has fueled the outlook of the game design market as a whole.

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In fact, video game designers can expect to make around $75,000 a year in their first role. On top of this, it is predicted that the job outlook for general special effects artists and animators will rise at a rate of 16% over the next ten years. Compared to industry averages for other fields, this is a far higher rate of growth.

Trends Driving Game Design in The Future

Understanding and learning how to design a game can seem daunting if you don’t know where to start. However, developing better knowledge of the trends that have driven the growth of the game design field is an excellent place to start. For any new game designer, the following trends can help you develop a game that is on the cutting edge of interest and technology.

The Rise of The Internet of Senses

As virtual reality has grown in popularity, so too has the Internet of Senses. This term refers to the visual, audio, haptic, and other senses that humans have started to feel via the Internet. For example, augmented vision through virtual reality is an example of the Internet of Senses. As this technology continues to develop, game designers will need to create new and unique games that incorporate the senses.

Blockchain-based Games

Blockchain-based video games use blockchain technologies that allow players to buy, trade, or sell in-game items with other players. However, cryptocurrencies and NFTs may be involved in the transaction. To that end, game designers are starting to need to learn about the blockchain and how games can be improved with this technology.

The Growth of Esports

The growth of Esports has served as a direct catalyst for the growth of game design as a field. In the past, few people believed that game design could actually stand on its own as a field. However, after the success of Esports, more and more organizations began to respect game design after seeing the money that exists within the video game market.

See Also

Developing Technology

Similar to the rise of the Internet of Senses, as technology has begun to evolve so too has a game design.

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The growth of technology has allowed the game design to become far more creative as designers are no longer limited by the same technological restraints that they were in the past. This means that games can now become more complex through engaging storylines and thoughtful characters.

Greater Attention in The Educational Space

Finally, the increase of attention towards game design in the educational space has heavily influenced the field. College-level institutions now offer courses in game design, and online courses offer enough of a foundation that anybody can get started in the field.

Develop The Next Big Game

Game design is an incredibly complex process, but the increased prevalence of educational courses related to the field means anybody can learn how to develop a game. By following the trends that are influencing the game design market as a whole, you can create a game that fits into modern interests.