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The Best Apps To Customize Your Android Device

The Best Apps To Customize Your Android Device

The Best Apps To Customize Your Android Device

Android has the largest market share as a mobile operating system, chances are you are reading this post on your android device. 

A lot of people prefer android to iOS because of the various customization options that it offers. Almost any part of your android software experience can be tweaked or completely revamped to your liking using an app.

You can change the entire smartphone experience by using launchers or add small widgets to your screen to give you the most relevant information up top.

In this post we go through the best apps that let you customize your Android smartphone to your liking.


Android phone apps

KWGT is an app that offers advanced features to make or customize your home screen. This app does have a slight learning curve but it is very robust and useful. You can create any sort of widget you want with this app because of the multiple integration option it provides.

These widgets can be used for multiple use cases such as a weather, calendar, clock, actionable buttons, RSS, music controls, and more. 

You can even go as far as making a custom widget for specific wallpapers. You can see a few examples below. The app comes in a freemium model wherein you have to pay for a certain feature. But undoubtedly this is well worth the price..

If you would like to check out the app you can do so here.


Substratum or Synergy

Substratum-or-SynergySubstratum or synergy are not your typical applications rather they are theming applications. There are a variety of themes that you can find on the playstore that use this theming application.

This works by integrating with Android’s OMS system or the Overlay Manager System to theme the entire phone. You do not need root to use this application but most of its very best features are only available on rooted devices that run Android Oreo or above.

You can use both of these applications to theme your Android device but give a slight edge to Substratum over Synergy unless you have a Samsung device.

You can check out Subtraturm here.



TapetTapet is a wallpaper application with a twist. The app offers a large variety of wallpaper options with the added advantage of customizing the wallpaper to your liking. All the wallpapers are generated using mathematical functions giving you the highest possible quality on your device.

See Also

As soon as the wallpaper is generated you can easily change the wallpaper’s colour and the reload to get a different shade.

All the wallpapers are large in size and high in quality. You can check out the app here.



GboardWithout a doubt the keyboard is one of the most used applications if not the most used one. Gboard is a great keyboard application from Google. It provides a lot of features that enable you to type more efficiently.

This keyboard also has a lot of customization options meaning you can make it look exactly the way you want it to.

You can check out the application here.



So those were some of the apps we recommend to customize your android experience. Let us know if you have any other apps we can use to spruce up an Android device.