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How to Write an Essay about Video Games

How to Write an Essay about Video Games


Video games have taken the world by storm, captivating the hearts and minds of millions. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or someone who has merely glimpsed this fascinating realm, there’s no denying the immense influence video games exert on our lives.

Writing about video games is not merely a pastime or niche interest; it is a conversation about one of the most influential forms of modern entertainment and art. Video games have evolved from simple pixels on a screen to immersive, interactive experiences that challenge our intellect, emotions, and creativity. They serve as a reflection of our society, mirroring our values, aspirations, and fears. When striving for academic excellence in essay writing about video games, consider utilizing the expertise of a reputable essay writing service Academized to enhance your research and writing skills. Understanding how to write about video games allows us to engage in critical discussions about their cultural and social relevance, their impact on individuals and communities, and their potential for positive change.

Moreover, as video games continue to grow as a multi-billion-dollar industry, the ability to articulate their significance in written form becomes increasingly valuable. Whether you’re an aspiring journalist, a student aiming to excel in your coursework, or simply someone who wants to share their passion for gaming with a wider audience, the skills you’ll acquire in this journey will serve you well beyond the realm of gaming, making you a more adept communicator and thinker in today’s digital age. So, let’s embark on this adventure together, unlocking the potential of the written word to explore the captivating world of video games.

The Assignment

When faced with an essay prompt related to video games, the first crucial step is to deconstruct it. Break down the prompt into its essential components to gain a clear understanding of what is expected. Highlight the keywords in the prompt. For example, if the prompt asks you to “analyze the impact of violence in video games,” the keywords are “impact,” “violence,” and “video games.” Understanding these keywords will help you focus your research and argument.

Consider whether the prompt is asking for an argumentative essay (where you take a stance and defend it), an expository essay (where you provide information and analysis), or another type of essay. This will dictate your approach and structure.

Prompts often include specific instructions such as “compare and contrast,” “discuss the pros and cons,” or “evaluate the significance.” These instructions guide your essay’s direction.

Assess whether the prompt is broad or narrow in scope. A broad prompt might require you to choose a specific angle to explore, while a narrow one may demand more in-depth analysis.

Consider the context of the prompt. Is it related to a particular time period, gaming platform, or genre? Understanding this context can help you tailor your research and arguments accordingly.

Essays about video games can take various forms, and it’s essential to identify the type of essay your assignment requires. Here are some common essay types and their requirements

  1. Argumentative essay: In this type of essay, you take a clear position on a specific aspect of video games and support your viewpoint with evidence and logical arguments. For example, you might argue whether video games contribute to increased violence in society.
  2. Expository essay: Expository essays aim to provide a comprehensive overview of a topic. You present facts, statistics, and information about video games without taking a personal stance. This could involve discussing the history of video games or explaining the mechanics of a particular game genre.
  3. Analytical essay: Analytical essays delve deep into a specific aspect of video games, examining it from various angles. You might analyze the narrative structure of a game, the cultural impact of a game franchise, or the psychology behind gaming addiction.
  4. Compare and contrast essay: This essay type involves examining two or more video games, genres, or gaming platforms and highlighting their similarities and differences. For instance, you could compare the storytelling in two different RPGs or contrast the experiences of console and PC gamers.
  5. Critical review or evaluation essay: In this essay, you critically assess a particular video game, discussing its strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact. This type of essay often includes a subjective element as you express your opinion on the game’s quality and significance.

Understanding the required essay type is crucial as it dictates your approach, research methods, and the structure of your essay. Once you’ve analyzed the prompt and identified the essay type, you can proceed to choose an appropriate topic.

Narrowing Down the Focus

Selecting a specific aspect or theme within the vast world of video games is crucial to crafting a focused and engaging essay. Start by considering your personal interests within the realm of video games. Are you passionate about game design, the cultural impact of video games, or the psychology of gaming? Your passion will drive your research and writing.

Refer back to the essay prompt and any specific instructions from your instructor. These guidelines can help you identify the scope and focus of your essay. Aim to explore a topic that offers a fresh perspective or an aspect that hasn’t been extensively covered. This can make your essay more intriguing to readers.

Video games are a broad topic, so it’s essential to narrow your focus. For example, if you’re interested in video game violence, you might focus specifically on its impact on child development.

Generating essay topics related to video games requires creativity and critical thinking. Create a visual representation of your ideas by starting with the central topic of “video games” and branching out with related subtopics. This can help you explore various angles.

Review academic articles, books, and online discussions related to video games. Note any gaps in research or intriguing questions that emerge. Reflect on your own gaming experiences. Is there a game that left a profound impact on you? Has a recent gaming trend caught your attention?

Consider current events, controversies, or trends in the gaming industry. These can be excellent sources of timely and relevant essay topics.

Structuring the Essay


A compelling introduction sets the stage for your essay about video games. The hook, whether it’s an anecdote, a striking statistic, a question, or a quote, grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to continue reading. It establishes a connection between your essay and the reader. The thesis statement, placed at the end of the introduction, outlines the main argument and the direction your essay will take. It serves as a roadmap, telling the reader what to expect in the essay.

Providing context about the video game(s) you’ll discuss is crucial, especially if your chosen topic requires it. Background information helps readers who may not be familiar with the game(s) understand the context of your discussion. It prevents confusion and ensures that your arguments are accessible to a broader audience. Explain why the video game(s) are relevant to your chosen topic. Highlight their significance or impact on the subject matter. This justifies their inclusion in your essay.

See Also

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should start with a clear and concise topic sentence. Topic sentences introduce the main point of each paragraph, making it easier for readers to follow your argument’s structure. They help you stay on track and ensure that each paragraph contributes directly to your overall thesis. Topic sentences create a framework for your analysis, making it clear how each paragraph connects to the central argument.

In each body paragraph, support your topic sentence with evidence and analysis. Evidence reinforces your argument and makes it more convincing. Use statistics, quotes, data, or examples from video games to support your claims. Analysis is where you interpret the evidence and explain how it relates to your thesis. It demonstrates your critical thinking skills and shows that you’ve considered the implications of the evidence. Properly integrating evidence and analysis into your paragraphs ensures that your essay flows smoothly and logically. It helps readers understand the connections between your ideas.

Smooth transitions are essential for maintaining the flow and coherence of your essay. Transitions provide signposts to guide readers through your essay. They indicate shifts in focus or the progression of your argument. Transitions help you move from one point to the next in a way that makes sense and maintains the overall structure of your essay.


Addressing counterarguments is a sign of a well-rounded and persuasive essay. Acknowledging and addressing counterarguments shows that you’ve considered alternative viewpoints and can strengthen your own argument. Engaging with counterarguments in a fair and thoughtful manner enhances your credibility as an essay writer. It shows that you’re willing to engage in a balanced discussion. Successfully refuting counterarguments can further emphasize the validity and strength of your thesis.


The conclusion brings your essay full circle. It allows you to summarize the main points made in your essay, providing a brief overview of your argument.

After summarizing your key points, synthesize them to provide a deeper understanding of your argument. Synthesizing key points helps you emphasize why your argument matters and how it contributes to the broader conversation. It ties together the various elements of your essay, showing how they connect and contribute to your overall thesis.

Conclude your essay with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a suggestion for further research. A memorable closing statement leaves a lasting impression and encourages the reader to reflect on your argument. A call to action or a suggestion for further research invites readers to continue thinking about the topic and potentially engage in further exploration.

In summary, structuring your essay effectively involves crafting a compelling introduction, using clear topic sentences in your body paragraphs, supporting your arguments with evidence and analysis, maintaining logical transitions, addressing counterarguments when applicable, and providing a conclusion that reinforces your thesis and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.