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GTA Trilogy Remastered: The Cause of Failure

GTA Trilogy Remastered: The Cause of Failure

After about eight years of releasing the last version of GTA, fans awaited with a burning hunger to play another updated version. However, upon release of the remastered Grand Theft Auto trilogy, many were disappointed, which led to a backlash from fans.

The Definitive Edition launched by Rockstar in November 2021 did not last up to a day before people began to complain about the poor job done by Rockstar. The lack of refinement in comparison to the classics and other problems caused massive hysteria. GTA RP has been great, but modders were in charge of updating the single-player games GTA 3GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas.

Gamers raised many concerns as regards. Here are some of the reasons for the backlash

Poor Quality

The collection’s quality has been lambasted across the board. Visual anomalies with player models cutscene errors (mainly where the world around the scene continues to function normally, even pushing cutscene actors out of shot) have been observed, as well as corrupted save data. In the older version, the characters had a better outlook, explosions were better executed, and the worlds looked more realistic. The hype quickly died off as people played. Character models, in particular, have become subject for social media jokes, with many gamers dismissing new models as inferior to their far older predecessors:

Glitches were also a big error in the video game, and this wasn’t only limited to the game’s graphics. Players and cars can get stuck in holes in the ground, cutscenes are interrupted by non-playable characters, and unusual collision mechanics can be found in all three games. A distracting rain effect makes it difficult to view the actual game.

Terrible Switch Version

The 3D GTA games were released on a Nintendo platform with GTA Trilogy remastered for the first time. Sadly, it isn’t a really good adaptation. The Switch version has the same drawbacks as the other versions, plus performance concerns and poor aesthetics to run on the lower-powered Nintendo console. The PS5 and Xbox Series versions include an inconsistent frame rate, slower loading times, and degraded graphics.

PC Adaptation was taken down

PC gamers will be unable to purchase this collection due to Rockstar Games’ decision to remove it from the platform. Having discovered, even though late, that the Definitive Edition’s PC version was incompatible with the Rockstar Games Launcher application, rendering it unusable, it was quickly taken down. However, it seems that data miners found files in that version of the game that were not intended to be included in the commercial cut. Regardless of what was buried in the source code, the technical issues were more than enough justification to pull it from that platform temporarily.

Missing Features, missions, and mini-games

Some gamers have been disappointed to see that the remasters certain lack features, such as the classic music tracks from the original games and some shortcuts. This can be managed because music licenses are typically challenging to obtain. Players have questioned whether these editions are truly authoritative compared to the originals. This isn’t helped by apparent data mining discoveries indicating that the absent soundtracks are there in the games but merely deactivated at the code level.

Other players have expressed dissatisfaction with changes to the surroundings, which appear to include typos and misinterpretations of the game’s substance. Another concern in this edition, a number of missions and mini-games do not function properly.

Plenty of the mini-games in GTA SA (such as gym equipment and pool tables in bars) are either damaged or don’t function as they should. Some of the “DDR-style” rhythm-based missions and activities in that game, for example, have significant input latency. In contrast, the burglary side missions frequently end in the player becoming stuck in the surroundings.

Because of the large number of activities in SA, such as gambling and others, similar to what you can find in the best casino online that offers affordable gambling for real money, it appears to have the most mission-related concerns and glitches right now.

See Also

Way Forward?

With all the issues found in the game and the GTA trilogy fan backlash explained, RockStar Games apologized for the unforeseen technical issues and promised to restore the old version.

They apologized sincerely to the people who had witnessed unexpected technical issues playing the Grand Theft Auto series. These games are part of the iconic trilogy, and they are special to them. They said they were aware that fans around the globe were not pleased that the updated versions of these classic games didn’t launch in a manner that met their own set standard in terms of quality or the standards their fans have in mind.

Future upgrades will be improved, said the company. Meanwhile, the classic versions of Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and San Andreas will be available as a package on the Rockstar Store. Even better, through June 30, 2022, anyone who owns or buys the trilogy will receive the classic games free of any charge.


Some have called the remastered trilogy a remaster of none because of the problems and errors. The developer grove street games failed to reach the expectations of eager gamers, and the result has been absolutely disastrous. This is especially because the gap between the last time a version was released meant the remastered trilogy’s error in coming versions should have been minimal.