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Gaming Skills You Can Use While Playing Online Poker

Gaming Skills You Can Use While Playing Online Poker


Video games are highly diverse, from puzzle games to role-playing games (RPGs), multiplayer options, and simulators. Each of these games requires players to develop specific skills to master the game.

What many players don’t realize is that these skills are often transferable to other aspects of their lives. One of the sectors where gamers can use their hard-earned gaming skills is the online poker realm. Although poker differs significantly from most video game genres, the skills developed while online gaming can help players be successful in online poker too.


When you play video games, patience truly is a virtue. You often have to wait for the right moment to attack or listen to a non-playable character (NPC) drone on before you start a new quest.

When it comes to online poker, patience is just as important. It won’t serve you to make rushed decisions and get caught up in the moment. It is best to keep a cool head, observe when an opportunity arises, and then make your move. Cobus Van Wyk has highlighted some of the best online poker sites to practice patience. In addition to offering great user experience, these sites also offer users a wide range of bonus and poker tournament gaming options.


Being adaptable to changing situations is very important in video games, especially when unexpected twists in the main storyline come about. You could be happily running through the open world when a dragon swoops down or a zombie attacks, forcing you to switch into a different mindset.


Although there is a lack of dragon attacks in online poker, you still have to adapt your playing strategy as opponents play their hands. You may have to suddenly play more aggressively, or start bluffing on a weak hand. Being flexible will allow you to stay one step ahead of the other players at the table.

Observation and Analysis

Multiplayer games require players to observe how other players are acting as well as keep an eye on the opposing team.

Gamers then have to devise a strategy based on what they observe. This is not entirely different from poker tournaments. You have to observe how the other players are behaving—are they playing conservatively or aggressively; bluffing or staying in for the long haul?

Based on your observations, you can adapt your own strategy.

Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is as important in video games as it is in online poker (and other online casino games too). In online video games, you might be up against a tough boss and suffer repeat losses. It is easy to resign to your fate and simply give up playing. But having mental toughness will allow you to keep taking on the boss, trying new strategies and attack sequences to eventually defeat them.

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Poker is perhaps not as dramatic, however, you still need mental strength to stick to your strategy when things at the online table become tough. Having mental toughness will allow you to remain focused when the pressure is being piled on and stop you from making panicked decisions.

Risk Management

Risk management is an essential life skill. You probably don’t even notice how your brain is constantly managing risks in your daily life, from crossing the road to which seat to take in the subway.

You’re also constantly managing risks when you play video games. You have to decide which weapons to select, which route to take, or which team to join.

Naturally, risk management is also incredibly important in poker where you stand to lose a lot of money if you take too many risks. Knowing how to play it safe when needed means you can avoid devastating losses while improving your chances of eventual success.