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How to grow your Instagram gaming account

How to grow your Instagram gaming account

As a gamer, you will find a lot of competition for attention on Instagram. It is not easy to grow your account on Instagram, especially if you want to focus your content on gaming. You will need to have the right tools and the appropriate strategy so that your posts are seen by more people. Instagram is a huge platform globally, with over 500 million daily users scrolling away on the app, and gamers use this platform because there is a gaming niche and community that exists and they can connect with this community and gain a lot of knowledge and enjoy gaming content.

Instagram is a huge platform globally, with over 500 million daily users scrolling away on the app

Everything is a numbers game, and the number of followers you have is vital. You can use a growth service like Growthoid to get more Instagram followers – that is the simplest yet most effective method for growing your account fast. Some other methods will be explored in this article. 

Follow other gamers 

If you want to have a fulfilling experience on Instagram, you need to be following a good amount of people and the reason why you want to do this is that you want to establish your niche and incorporate yourself into your community. Following others also could potentially lead to them following you, which is beneficial. When following users, don’t just follow random accounts; instead, make sure that they are relevant to the niche that you want to be represented in. follow people who post the type of content that you want to be exposed to and that you will most likely engage with and once you have found accounts like this, a great tactic is to like a few of their posts and then follow them. This will catch their attention and might even motivate them to follow you back. 

Why not share your winning moments on Instagram?

Share your favorite gaming moments on Instagram Stories 

Instagram Stories are a feature that allows users to post images and videos onto their profiles in chronological order. The Stories will only be visible for 24 hours, but it is a great way to engage and give your followers a bit more context and insight into your life in a more relaxed environment. You have the option to use filters or stickers in your Stories. You can add music, host polls, and ask your followers questions that are very interactive. This is a great place to give people behind-the-scenes footage, and it promotes engagement.

You have the option to use filters or stickers in your Stories. You can add music, host polls, and ask your followers questions that are very interactive.

As a gamer, you could host gaming questionnaires or polls in your Stories where you can ask people gaming-related questions such as which games are their favorite or even use a questionnaire sticker to ask gamers to give you some gaming hacks. Finally, you can use Instagram Stories to share your favorite gaming moments.  Instagram’s introduction of Ig reels views has been hailed as a major win for content creators on the social media platform.

Tag popular influencers in posts and mention them in comments 

Influencers are very popular on Instagram, and they are people who have a large following and are quite prominent amongst their niche. They are in the business of marketing brands and businesses in exchange for money or products or sometimes both, and they are popular because they are experts in their niche. You should definitely take advantage of influencers because they have a large following which will give you access to a wider audience that could grow your gaming account by welcoming new followers. 

See Also

Don’t underestimate the power of the hashtag

Add hashtags to posts that are relevant to the game you’re playing 

Hashtags are what drive content on social media. They are words that begin with the “#” symbol, and when you use hashtags on your posts, they work to categorize your posts so that they are easily searchable and discoverable by other users. Before using a hashtag, research popular hashtags in your niche and never just use any random hashtag on your post. Hashtags will expose your content to a wider audience and attract new free followers for Instagram and more engagement which is great for your gaming account. 

Before using a hashtag, research popular hashtags in your niche and never just use any random hashtag on your post.

You will find many niches and communities on Instagram, including the gaming niche. If you have a gaming account and want it to grow, you just need to apply the right formula. Firstly you need to follow other gamers, then you have to use Instagram Stories to share your favorite gaming moments. You also need to tag influencers and always use relevant hashtags.