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16 Daily Phrases to Improve your English Conversation

16 Daily Phrases to Improve your English Conversation

There are many different ways to learn a new language, but one of the best ways is by speaking it. When you speak a language, you have to actively think about what you want to say and how to say it, which helps you remember the words and grammar more effectively. With AmazingTalker, you can connect with one-on-one English Tutors to help you improve your English conversation skills! Not only that, but you can also find a variety of tutors like Spanish tutors, Korean Tutors, and more at AmazingTalker!

Additionally, speaking a language allows you to practise using it in real-world situations, which can help you become more confident and fluent. Speaking a new language can be daunting, but there are some simple things you can do to get started. For example, trying out some basic conversation phrases can help you to begin practising your pronunciation and grammar. 

To help get you started, we’ve made a list of 16 crucial English conversation phrases. So what are you waiting for? Start practising today with EnglishwithLucy, and before you know it, you’ll be speaking English like a native!

16 Common English Conversation Phrases

To be like a native English speaker, it’s essential to use common phrases correctly.


My name is _____. What’s your name? (most common)

This is the most common way to start a conversation with someone you don’t know. It’s polite and gives the other person an opportunity to introduce themselves.

I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name. You are…? (somewhat informal)

If you want to ask someone their name but have forgotten it, you can say, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name. You are…?” 

This is a somewhat informal way of asking, so only use it with people you know well or who won’t be offended by your forgetfulness. 

Nice to meet you!

After knowing each other’s names, this phrase is used as a friendly way to greet someone, either when you’re meeting them for the first time or when you’re seeing them again after a long time.

Pleased to meet you! (polite)

To use this phrase, say “pleased to meet you” when you are introduced to someone new. 

For example, if you are at a party and someone comes up to introduce themselves, you can say “pleased to meet you” in response.

Asking Questions

How is your day going?

This phrase is a polite way to start a conversation with someone or to show that you are interested in how they are doing.

What did you eat for lunch?

To use this phrase, say, “I had a sandwich for lunch,” followed by what you ate for lunch. 

For example, “I had a sandwich for lunch, and it was delicious.” This phrase is a great way to start a conversation about food and get to know someone better. 

What are your weekend plans?

It’s a great conversation starter to discover what people are up to and maybe even make new friends.

What do you think of ________?

you can use it to ask someone for their opinion on something. For example, you could say, “What do you think of the new restaurant down the street?” or “What do you think of my new haircut?”. 

When using this phrase, being polite and respectful of the other person’s opinion is essential.

Small Talk

How is everything going?

We use this phrase in our daily lives to ask others how they are doing. The answer to this question can be anything from “I’m doing fine” to “I’m having a bad day.” 

Do you have any hobbies?

This is a great question to ask someone you’re just getting to know, or even a good icebreaker question if you’re already friends.

Another way to ask this question is to say, “What do you like to do in your spare time?” This is a more general way of asking the question

What type of music do you like?

It’s always fun to find out new music recommendations! 

If you’re not sure how to start a conversation about music, here are a few tips:

  • Ask about their favorite artists or songs
  • Talk about concerts or festivals you’ve been to
  • Discuss the different genres of music you’re into

Are you from around here?

See Also

This is a common question people ask when they meet someone new.

If you are from around here, you can talk about what you like about the area. It is a great way to start a conversation with someone new.

Saying Goodbye

It was lovely meeting you!

When you want to politely inquire about someone’s plans or whether they’re available to meet, you can ask: “It was very nice meeting you. How are you?”

This question is a great way to show interest in someone without being too forward. 

E.g., It was lovely meeting you. I hope we can keep in touch.

I hope to see you around!

This phrase is often used as a way of saying goodbye to someone. It can be used in both formal and informal situations.

 Alternatives to this phrase include “I hope we can meet again soon” or “I hope to see you again soon.”

Bye, have a good day!

When you want to say goodbye to someone, you can say “bye” or “Have a good day.” If you’re saying goodbye to someone you know well, you might say “love you” or “take care.”

If you’re in a hurry, you can say “bye,” and if you want to be more polite, you can say, “have a good day.” You can also say “Have a good day” when you’re finished talking to someone.

I’ve got to get going.

This phrase expresses the speaker’s need or desire to leave, typically followed by an explanation of why the speaker needs to leave. For example, “I’ve got to get going – I have an early start tomorrow.” 

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to leave but don’t want to be rude, this phrase can be a helpful way to do so. 


You now know 16 of the most common English conversation phrases. That’s amazing! With this new knowledge, you can communicate with native English speakers more quickly and confidently. Ready to take your skills to the next level? Check out AmazingTalker, the best online platform for learning English conversation skills. We offer fun, interactive lessons that will have you speaking like a pro in no time.