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A Guide to Building Strategic Skills as a Gamer

A Guide to Building Strategic Skills as a Gamer

A Guide to Building Strategic Skills as a Gamer


Games have gone beyond being sources of entertainment and time-killers into becoming a multi-billion dollar industry where strategic skills become the basis for attaining fame and glory. Think about today’s most well-known names in the world of professional gaming. Their appeal has always been due to their competence and, more so, their ability to solve problems.

Any average gamer can also attain the same level of skill. All it takes is developing the ability to develop effective strategies on the spot. From first-person shooters to platformers, your success as a gamer depends on your strategic prowess, especially if you’re competing with other players. It’s one area you will need to hone if you want to make it big as a professional gamer later on. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

Expose Yourself To Complex Problems

Going the easier route to complete a game not only takes out the fun and catharsis you are supposed to get while playing. It also deprives you of the opportunity to train yourself to think creatively and critically, both being critical when you’re competing in a high-stakes match. With that being said, opt to play games like Dark Souls or Bloodborne which are notorious for their high difficulty levels. You may feel frustrated at first but each session helps you develop observational and intuitive skills that you may carry over to other games.

Become Good At Chess

It doesn’t come as a surprise that playing chess can help improve cognitive functions and decision-making skills. When it becomes a part of your daily routine, you will notice how easier it becomes to solve real-world problems. Being good at chess also improves your performance as a gamer.


If you’re not yet good at the game, consider learning as much as you can about it. Get advice from the Knightmaster Chess Learning Platform or reach out to someone who is an avid player. Over time, the skills and experience you get from playing chess will surely improve your strategic thinking skills in whatever video game you’re playing.

Practice With Other Players

You can never be a good strategist if you’re only playing with AI-controlled opponents and allies. Playing in a team is a great way to hone not just your leadership skills but also your ability to assess threats and make decisions under pressure. Unlike AI opponents which move around based on set algorithms, human opponents are more unpredictable, allowing you to develop your flexibility and adaptability towards diverse playing styles.

Instead of going solo, go online and challenge players who are more skilled than you. That way, you will be able to hone your ability to think clearly under pressure which will benefit your performance during an actual competition.

Become A Master Of The Game

If you want to be a better strategic player in a particular game, honing your tactical skills is just part of the recipe. A large portion of it involves being familiar with the game’s mechanics. Coming up with a strategy will only get you so far during a competition where you may go head-to-head with more experienced players.

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Any strategy won’t work if it doesn’t take into account the more vital elements of the game, such as map familiarity, resource management, and gameplay mastery. You may be a skilled sniper in Call of Duty but the dynamics are different in more realistic military simulations such as Squad or Escape from Tarkov. With this in mind, studying the game first is the first step to becoming a good strategist.

Hone Your Ability To Concentrate

A good gamer does not react with impulse. Being a strategic player is all about getting in the zone. You don’t let emotions get over you. Instead, you become mindful of what the opponent does and how certain events during a match lead to certain outcomes. It takes high levels of concentration to be able to succeed, so learn how to analyze map movements and recognize recurring patterns that will help you change your strategy when the need arises.


You can be a professional gamer so long as you develop your strategic skills. Keep these tips in mind as you make your way towards the top!