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8 Sources of Funding for Grad School

8 Sources of Funding for Grad School

Getting a master’s or a doctorate degree is the dream of most students today. After all, it’s the next level of educational achievement that gives people an edge in the job market. But funding is a huge stumbling block stopping students from going to grad school and getting their doctorate. 

Although the option of taking a part-time job while a DoMyEssay service handles your grad school work is tempting, the truth is that college bills will tower over your earnings. 

Luckily, several other different funding sources are out there that you may not have heard about before now. Here are eight sources of funding for grad school that you may not have considered.


Graduate assistantships are one of the most common funding sources for grad school. Many schools offer these positions to help offset the cost of tuition, and they usually come with a stipend for living expenses. 

Assistantships typically involve working for the school in a research or teaching role for 10-20 hours per week in exchange for tuition remission and a stipend. Still, the workload can vary depending on the position. 

If you find it difficult to juggle all the responsibilities, you might want to start delegating some of them. For instance, you can choose your essay helper based on the DoMyEssay review and have an easier time completing your assignments.

To be eligible for most assistantships, you must be enrolled full-time in your graduate program.

Employee Benefits

Most people don’t know this, but many employers offer tuition reimbursement as an employee benefit. It can be a great way to get money for grad school without having to pay anything back. Most companies see paying grad school tuition as a form of staff training, so they set aside a chunk of their yearly budget for this purpose.

If you choose to go down this route, be aware that most companies may require you to sign a contract. That’ll keep you in the company for at least one year after you leave grad school.


Many programs enable summer fellowships for graduate students. These programs can provide you with funding for your tuition, living expenses, and other associated costs. Some programs even offer stipends for travel and research. 

To find a program that fits your needs, search the Internet or ask your graduate school’s financial aid office for more information. Contact the organization directly if you have questions about applying to these programs. They will be able to tell you about the deadlines for applications, how much funding is available, and what qualifications are needed.


Many students don’t realize they can continue working while attending grad school. This can be a great way to offset the cost of tuition and other associated expenses. You may be able to find a position related to your field of study, which can also help you gain valuable experience. 

Check with your school’s career center or search online for job postings in your area. If you already have a full-time job, speak with your employer about adjusting your hours to accommodate graduate classes. 

You should also consider volunteering for organizations in need of your skills. They might not pay much, but they often provide valuable experience and exposure to their memberships or beneficiaries. 

Personal Funding

Personal funds could be savings accumulated over time or inheritance. The advantage of using personal resources is that you will not have to pay any interest on the money you borrow. However, the downside is that you may deplete your savings or put yourself in a difficult financial situation eventually.


Many charity programs can fund your graduate studies. These programs include 

  • the Gates Millennium Scholars Program; 
  • the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant; 
  • the National Institutes of Health’s Graduate Partnership Program.

Each of these programs has different eligibility requirements, so be sure to do your research before going for them. In some cases, funding is on a first-come, first-served basis, so make sure you plan and apply as early as possible.

Charities award funding yearly with the possibility of renewal. You need to find out the renewal requirements to determine what fits you most. 

See Also

Also, it’s perfectly legal to secure funding from several charities simultaneously, so feel free to apply everywhere. 


The most popular way to fund your education is through financial aid in the form of scholarships or grants. Scholarships are usually harder to get due to how significant the competition is and because they’re given based on academic merit. Thus, most often, only brilliant students get them.

Scholarships also target specific skillsets depending on the location. For instance, scholarships for the athletically gifted are particularly common in the US but less prevalent in Europe and Asia. 

National Research Councils

National research councils are organizations that fund research in specific fields or disciplines. A lot of research is conducted in grad school. Thus, NRCs take advantage of that by paying grad students’ tuition in exchange for research being carried out. 

Grad school students have more luck getting funding from NRCs when they apply for highly specialized subjects. 

All countries have national research councils. In the United States, there are three main national research councils: 

  • the National Science Foundation (NSF); 
  • the National Institutes of Health (NIH); 
  • the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). 

Each council has its eligibility requirements and application process, so it’s essential to do your research before applying.

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Grad school is an investment in your future. Therefore, you should leave no stone unturned when sourcing funding for your grad school tuition. Funding may be a stumbling block, but it’s surmountable. If you try the above sources, you’ll most likely get the funding you want. 

There are many options, so take your time studying them and ensure you have all the details you need. And most importantly, research the organizations you’re applying to so that you won’t have any trouble in the future when you get accepted. It’s worth it.